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Feature Request: Support multiple password files at once

I've been using it for a few months now and I love it...for the most part. There is one feature that I miss something fierce. The ability to support multiple password files simultaneously.

Let me explain an example where I need this and that will hopefully make it clear what I'm asking. I work in IT at my company and there are a number of passwords that IT shares among ourselves. 1Password would work well with this using Dropbox. However, I also want to use 1Password personally and don't want my personal passwords shared with the other IT personnel (for obvious reasons). I also don't want to put the IT passwords into my personal data file because I share that file with my wife (not that I don't trust her...I just don't think it's a good idea from my company's standpoint). We're currently at an impasse with this use case.

I know I could go into 1Password and change data files (and from what I understand this is not officially supported), but I find that I need to access both the IT 1Password file and my personal file interchangeably throughout my day. It's annoying to have to close my browsers, switch the password file and then get back into my browser in order to use a particular password. So, what I'm suggesting is that I be able to attach one or more password files to 1Password at the same time (instead of only supporting one password file at a time). I realize this would be a big change, but I think it would eliminate the one major drawback to 1Password that I have been able to find.

Here's how I think it could look. When I go to a website, I hit Ctrl+\ (or click the toolbar icon) and 1Password can ask me which password file I want to access the login information from based on the files that I've already attached to 1Password. I then select the password file I want and type in the master password (if it's not already been unlocked). 1Password then acts like it normally does using the selected file.

Some of this could potentially be optimized by specifying which file is the "default" file (haven't thought that all the way through) or pre-emptively looking at which sites are included in the password files and if the current site only exists in one of the password files just prompt for the master password on that file and not even ask which file to look into.

I think that this functionality could just be added to 1Password for Windows and not really force you to update all the other versions at the same time, though an update like this to all the other versions would be desired as well.

If 1Password could get this support, they would have a 1-UP on LastPass which does support individual login sharing, but only the creator of that login can change the file. That's kindof dumb in my opinion since I think if I'm going to share a login with someone I trust them enough to change it as well.

Thanks for listening! I hope we can see this feature incorporated into an already great product.



  • Welcome to the forum, hjoelr, and thanks for the suggestion!
  • David, you're welcome. Should I have any hope for this, or should I not hold my breath?


  • Well, we're a very small team, so I wouldn't [i]literally[/i] hold my breath <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> but we never say "never"!