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jonfen Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
Trying to pay by credit card on website

autofill credit card fills only card number and 3-digit security code... doesn't fill the type of card, or month & year of expiry date.


  • [Deleted User]
    edited December 1969
    Hi jonfen,

    I'm really sorry to hear 1Password isn't filling your card details completely on the Fido site. With millions of websites out there that are all coded differently it is very difficult to get 1Password to fill in data on all of them perfectly. With that said, we're excited to tackle this very difficult problem and form filling is something that we are constantly working on improving. Future updates of 1Password will increase the accuracy of the form filler for both credit cards and identities.

    Sorry I don't have a better answer for you right now,
  • jonfen
    jonfen Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    Thx for the reply.

    I love using 1pw, even with a few quirks.

  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='jonfen']Thx for the reply.

    I love using 1pw, even with a few quirks.


    That's great to hear! Thanks for the feedback.