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autolock during sleep

I’m running 1password for windows v1.0.9.272 on XP sp3. I have autolock checked to lock after 5 minutes of inactivity, but it doesn’t lock when computer is put to sleep. Is there a solution?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, REL. Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I would love to make sure that we fix any bug that may be causing this on your machine if it exists within 1Password.

    So far, I am not able to reproduce the problem on my own machine. All three of the auto lock settings are working as expected in my testing.


    Try disabling the other two options and just set it to auto lock after 1 minute. Don't touch your keyboard or mouse for over a minute and let me know if it auto locks.

    Try enabling each of the other auto lock options by themselves and see if you can narrow down the issue to just one of them (time, Windows lock, or screensaver).

    Please let me know how it goes.
  • Thank you Khad for your super fast response. I checked only "lock after xx minutes of activity" and the program locked after the specified time. However if the computer is put to sleep before that specified time it does not autolock.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Rel,

    Please update 1Password to the latest version, we just released today. After updating 1Password, restart your computer and see if the auto-lock issue is better now.

    I hope it is. Please let me know how it turns out.

  • Installed .278, however no autolock during sleep. Not to worry I'm an enthusiastic user of 1password on my iOS devices and will get a macbook air as soon as intel's ivy bridge arrives. I've had enough with the inscrutable XP!

    Thank you so much for your outstanding're the gold standard!
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi REL,

    Wow, that's strange. It should auto-lock as soon as you sleep the computer. Just to be clear, is the main 1Password the one that didn't auto-locked or was it in a web browser?

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please email us your Diagnostics Report? If you have an email client installed, you can send the report more easily by selecting Help > Diagnostics Report > E-mail to Agile. If you don't have a desktop email client, you can select Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File. Then attach the exported file as an attachment to your email to us at

    [b]Please do not upload or attach the diagnostic report here. [/b]

  • Hello Mike T,

    Both did not auto-lock...I have mailed the Diagnostics Report.

    Thank you!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It likes like Mike has replied to your email, so in order to avoid confusion, we'll keep working with you via email until this is resolved. Let me know if you didn't get Mike's email.
  • Hey Mike+khad,

    Clean install did the works perfectly. Thank you for the best support in the business!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for updating the thread! I'm glad everything is working well now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!