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Modify Records on Android Version

I don't see a way to edit records either in the web version or the Android version. I am thinking about changing from SplashID to 1Password. The biggest thing I rely on, however, is the syncing. I have it syncing with dropbox as recommended.

What will often happen is that I will add a new record on Windows or my Mac or my Android phone depending on which device I happen to have with me.

I can modify / add records on Windows and Mac, but don't see a way to do it on the web or Android versions. This would mean I have to have my Mac or Alienware (huge) laptops with me all the time which defeats my mode of operation. Sometimes I just have my Android phone and need to add a new record or modify and existing record.

If you can solve this issue then I will buy the mutli-license for all my computers.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, apitman! Thanks for asking about this.

    Right now, your assessment is correct. Neither the 1PasswordAnywhere web interface nor 1Password for Android allow adding or editing information like you can in the Mac, Windows, and iOS versions. 1PasswordAnywhere and 1Password for Android are both read-only at the time of this writing.

    I hear some rumors of a full Android version, but we don't normally pre-announce products or features. Please keep an eye on our blog for updates.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
