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Req: Latest Release notifications

Smudge Junior Member
First off, thank you very much for a wonderful program. I don't know what I would do if I had to use the Interweb without 1Password.

In January, I asked about a better way to be notified of the beta updates and was told that there isn't a good way except to watch the forums. I was wondering if there was a better way yet?

If not, I'd like to suggest a couple of options.


[*]Bring back the auto-update feature from the pre-MAS version. Obviously this would need to be disabled/removed from the MAS release version.

[*]If that isn't possible, have the beta check if an update is available and notify us so we can manually run the Ruby update script. It could do something like the Ruby script is doing by just checking a revision file on your server.

[*]If coding it in isn't an option, could you set up a single source of notification that we could subscribe to? This could be an RSS feed or a separate Twitter account (@1PasswordBeta?) just for announcements instead of support/communications like the main @1Password account.

[*]If not, how about changing the way you create Release Note threads in this forum? Since you create a new thread for each beta release, if we watch that thread, we are not notified of new threads. Watching the entire forum section creates too much noise.


Here are a couple of suggestions on how to do this. I manage a forum for a software developer with a similar situation and this method works very well for our beta testers.[list]

[*]Create a new sticky thread of "Latest release info". Whenever a new version is released, you create your regular thread with the details (Release notes for BETA 39400.007) but then post a link to it in this "Latest release info" master thread. As you make new posts here, delete the previous post so that the master thread just contains a single post with a link to the latest release. We could then subscribe to this thread and be notified when new posts are created.

[*]Don't create new threads for each beta release within a series (Release notes for BETA 39300.070, Release notes for BETA 39300.076, etc.) but keep them in a single thread (Release notes for BETA 393). (The [url=""]394 thread[/url] looks to be doing this so perhaps you already have this idea in mind). When that beta series is final, create a closing post stating it is final with a link to a new thread for the next beta line for those that wish to watch the new thread. This way you have a single thread for all the revision notes for a single beta line.


I'm sure you guys can come up with something that won't be too much hassle for you but will also help out us.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks, Smudge! I'll pass this along to the developers. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Good stuff. Thank you, Smudge!