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BSOD when using 1Password Windows, Dropbox and Credant Mobile Guardian

My company uses Credant Mobile Guardian to encrypt the hard drive in my laptop. I had 1Password installed, syncing to my Mac and iPhone via Dropbox. The company pushed me an update to Credant and I kept getting a BSOD. My IT guy said it was the 1Password folder in my Dropbox folder. I do know that Credant also places a CRED.DB file in every folder it encrypts. You can not see this file unless you are viewing the folder on an unencrypted drive; therefore, I could see it on my Mac.

Any idea what the conflict is that is causing the BSOD? I really miss not being able to use 1Password.

Sorry, I am unable to provide any logs or debugging information as my hard drive was reloaded to get rid of the folder as it could not be deleted without causing the BSOD.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Headelf. As far as I know, a BSOD only comes from very low-level conflicts like a hardware driver or perhaps the kind of file system level encryption that Credant Mobile Guardian provides. It sounds like a problem with Credant Mobile Guardian since I don't think 1Password does anything at such a low level as to cause a BSOD.

    I'm curious how the cause was so quickly narrowed down to 1Password or its data folder.

    If you can provide some more details or are able to readily reproduce the problem, I'd love to see what we can do on our end. At this stage, I don't think it is necessarily 1Password that caused any problem, though. Without more details it is hard to know how to proceed.

    Any additional information you can provide would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
  • Unfortunately, being able to reproduce the problem is not feasible at this time. In order for me to do so I would have to put my Dropbox folder back on my laptop and install 1Password. If I do so and the same issue occurs my IT department would remove my Administrator rights from the laptop which would severely hinder my ability to install applications that are not common with the normal load set.

    According to the IT person who fixed the problem, after replacing the hard drive, motherboard and memory, he started looking for a software related issue. He was able to make the laptop BSOD and reboot by performing virus scans on the items in the "My Documents" folder. He finally narrowed the scan down to the Dropbox folder. Once he deleted the folder from the hard drive the BSOD no longer occurred.

    The only files I have in my Dropbox folder that were syncing with that laptop was the 1Password folder and some PDF, XLS and TXT files. I don't know i the problem is because 1Password is encrypting the files and then Credant is also encrypting the files and the multiple encryption is causing an issue, even though those same files are opening fine on my Mac, iPhone and iPad.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    1Password just reads and writes files to your hard drive like any other app that is reading and writing those PDF, XLS, and TXT files you mentioned. I wonder if it could be a conflict between the Dropbox and Credant applications. Do you have Dropbox installed currently?

    I'm curious if anyone else is using the Credant software and can add some other data points.