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Suggestion Add ability to sort 'Go and Fill Login' entries to browser plugins

cdenesha Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
We all have sites we access more frequently. All browsers provide the ability to organize our Bookmarks so that the most used entries are quicker to access. Now that I'm using Go and Fill as my Bookmarks for sites I want to login to, I'm not liking having to scroll through all my saved entries, or navigating multiple level folders that can't be reordered.

I'd like the ability to change the sort order in Go and Fill please.




  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    We hope to offer a "Favourites" or "Most recently used" area in the future, but I don't have a timeframe for that. For now, your best bet is to create such a folder yourself and store your favourites in it so they're easily accessible.

    Thanks for the feedback!