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Best non Dropbox method to sync Mac/iPhone/Windows data

Hi There

I've been using the Mac OS X (home), iOS and Windows (work) versions of 1Password for a while now. Up until now, I've used Dropbox to keep everything in sync. However, I've just started working for a new firm that blocks access to Dropbox so that's no longer an option for my Windows PC. Can someone recommend the best way to keep things in sync that doesn't involve Dropbox?

Thanks in advance.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Paul.

    I'm sorry to have to be the one to break the news to you, but Dropbox is the only supported method for syncing 1Password for Windows. If you are able to install another file-based sync solution at work, you could use that to sync between Windows and Mac and use Dropbox to sync between Mac and iOS, but we can't recommend such a solution. (We also can't offer support for it.)

    If you do find something that works for you, the community might appreciate hearing about the solution you used.

  • Sorry to hear that Khad. Thanks for the speedy reply.