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Change request: Check for Update *after* using password

When I click the 1Password in Firefox, I typically want to use a password, and it annoys me when 1Password chooses this time to tell me there is a new version available. This is because if I say "yes", then I can't access my password and continue what I was doing until the download has finished. If I say "no", I have to remember to go and do the check manually at some point so it doesn't annoy me the next time I need it.

If instead it would look up the password I need and only then check for a new version (ie when the 1Password window closes), I could get on with what I am doing while 1Password updates in the background.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I don't think there is a check in the Firefox extension. Please make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password (, Firefox (11.0), and the 1Password Firefox extension (3.9.0). Are you still able to reproduce the problem?
  • The advice "[quote name='khad' timestamp='1332479514' post='59046'] ...Please make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password (, Firefox (11.0), and the 1Password Firefox extension (3.9.0).. [/quote] is curious. I have been attempting to upgrade to Firefox 11.0 (Windows) for several days now, and have avoided doing so because of the warning that my 1Password version add-on is not compatible, and will be disabled. Then, after reading the recommendation to use the latest version of 1Password WITH Firefox 11.0, I thought perhaps the Firefox compatibility warning was in error. So I let Firefox go ahead and update itself to version 11.0, and sadly found that the warning was correct. Now, I'm unable to use 1Password with this version of the browser. I don't feel like going through the exercise of reverting to the previous Firefox version (which I have had to do in the past when I discovered only after it was too late that 1Password was incompatible with the upgraded version I had just installed), so I suppose I'll have to constrain myself to using IE until a future 1Password is available to [hopefully] resolve the problem.

    Is it possible there is something about my specific circumstances to cause the compatibility issue, or is the advice to go ahead and useFirefox 11.0 with the latest 1Password version premature (and dangerous)?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    [b]1Password has supported Firefox 11 since the day it was released.[/b] However, the old Firefox 10 extension [b]is[/b] incompatible with Firefox 11. You'll need to install the current [i][b]compatible[/b][/i] version of the Firefox extension from 1Password's preferences:


    If you're still having trouble, please let me know. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1332479514' post='59046']

    I don't think there is a check in the Firefox extension. Please make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password (, Firefox (11.0), and the 1Password Firefox extension (3.9.0). Are you still able to reproduce the problem?


    I am indeed using the latest version. It doesn't just relate to Firefox though; if I open the Windows client to retrieve a password, the first thing it does is ask me if I want to get the latest version. The answer is always "Yes, but I really want my password first". If it could give me an option to download and update in the background, I'd be much happier.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks, Allan. It sounds like your issue is different than the one this topic was originally about (i.e., prompts to update the main program from within the browser extensions), but I'll mention this to the developers. I know we recently made a change in 1Password for Mac to improve this.