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Master password not required when in the middle of editing

A colleque reported what appears to be a bug with notes and I've been able to replicate with my iPhone (I also have the iPad version, but haven't verified it). If I create a note and then enable master password to access it and quit the app, then go back in I'm prompted for the master password as exptected. But if I'm in the middle of editing a note and then quit the app when I go back in I'm prompted for my pin code, but not the master password for the note. Not a major issue, just means I need to be more careful if editing a secure note.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It depends on your master password auto-lock settings. Set it to "Lock When Inactive" or ensure that the timeout for master password auto-lock has elapsed and see if you can still reproduce it. Tap:

    [b][More] > Settings > Security > [Master Password] Auto-Lock[/b]

  • I already have it set to "Lock when Inactive" and as a test dropped the timeout to one minute, coming back to the phone half an hour later I open 1Password and enter my pin, the note is still open without the need for the master password.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I just tested this again and can replicate the issue. For now, please be sure to tap "Save" when you are done editing. I will alert the developers to this.