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Domain Mapping button missing

Some where along the line the Domain Mapping button was dropped from the Preferences - Logins tab.

I am currently using 1P

I noticed because I went to add a new matched domain. There is a link at the bottom of the Logins tab is to a [url=""]web page[/url] explaining how to do it. However, that page refers to the missing button on the Logins tab.

Where has the Domain Mapping button gone?

Also, does the Domain Matching feature (for existing settings) still work?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It has been moved to the IE tab in 1Password's preferences since it only applies to the Internet Explorer extension. We wanted to make this clearer in Preferences, so we moved all the options that only apply to IE to a separate tab.
  • I have never used 1P under IE, so I must have previously worked with the old FireFox extension. When will it be incorporated in the new FF and Chrome extensions?

    OR is there a better way to do this?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    At this time it is not possible except in the IE extension, but it is on our radar for a future update. I'm sorry I don't have a time frame I can give you right now.

    In the meantime, you will need to create a Login item for each domain.
  • Not the answer I was hoping for, but thanks for the explanation.