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Firefox (11) extension keeps disappearing


I just purchased the family pack of 1P and am facing the ongoing issue of the extension being installed, working perfectly in Firefox 11 (had the same problem in 10!) and then disappearing after a reboot.

I can close Firefox and start it up again, the extension will still be there. It's only after a total system shutdown that it will no re-appear.

It is not listed in the option within the Customize for the menu bar. It *is* listed as an installed extention in Add-Ons!

Going through the re-install and all will be good again - until the next reboot.

I am not using any roaming profiles nor anything else that should explain this weirdness. I see it occur on 3 PCs: my desktop, my laptop and my wife's desktop.

This makes things quite useless as far as I'm concerned. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

No other addons/extensions are affected in a similar way. I have followed the instructions I have found both in the knowledgebase, the troubleshooting section and the one I found in the 1P-for-Mac(!) section (i.e. total uninstall, shutdown, de-activation in the main GUI then re-install/re-activation).

You could say I'm NOT very happy right now after shelling out >$100 (also bought the iPad version). Not the least because I have to go through a forum instead of a dedicated support ticket system.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Marakai. I'm sorry that you are having this problem. It certainly is not typical, and I'd love to help you get it resolved.

    In the future, you can [url=""]open a support ticket[/url] if you prefer, but you may actually find that you get faster replies in these community forums. I am an AgileBits employee.

    Next time it happens, please generate a Diagnostics Report and send it to us at support AT You can generate the report from the [b]Help > Diagnostics Report[/b] menu item in 1Password.

    Thanks in advance! I'm sure we can get this resolved for you.
  • Thanks, Khad. I've opened a ticket through the link and attached the information.

    Note, it brought up a KB link about the extension going missing but it assumed that it could be found in the Customize windows of the toolbar. Sadly, that's where I've looked to no avail.

    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1333104426' post='59202']

    Welcome to the forums, Marakai. I'm sorry that you are having this problem. It certainly is not typical, and I'd love to help you get it resolved.

    In the future, you can [url=""]open a support ticket[/url] if you prefer, but you may actually find that you get faster replies in these community forums. I am an AgileBits employee.

    Next time it happens, please generate a Diagnostics Report and send it to us at support AT You can generate the report from the [b]Help > Diagnostics Report[/b] menu item in 1Password.

    Thanks in advance! I'm sure we can get this resolved for you.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for letting me know! We will reply to your support ticket as soon as possible and continue to work with you there. I'm going to close this thread for now since there is no sense in wasting any of your time duplicating efforts in two places. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
This discussion has been closed.