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Launching logins from 1Password sometimes fails on the first try

diitto Junior Member
Hi... Another problem (I just posted one a few minutes ago) I've had in recent times going back quite a few Beta versions is that sometimes when I go into 1Password and launch one of my saved logins, it launches my default browser (Safari) if it isn't already open, opens the intended web page all just fine... But quite often it stops before entering the login information or if it enters the login information it doesn't go ahead and connect, meaning it is only missing an "Enter" click... If it just requires the "Enter" click, I, not being too lazy, go ahead and click Enter... However, it if doesn't enter the login information at all which is what happens more often, I've learned to simply close that page, go right back to 1Password and launch the saved login again... More than often than not, it works correctly the second time... Once in a great while, it requires three tries...

Why would that be??? Why would it not complete the login information on try 1 but work just fine on try 2??? This is a behavior I've noticed for a long time (months at least)...

thanks... bob..


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    Based on your earlier post (which it sounds like I may have mistakenly diagnosed as a Firefox issue), It sounds like something deeper is happening. I'm wondering the Helper is launching and connecting to the browser extension correctly.

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please send us a Diagnostics Report?

    In 1Password 3.8, just select [b]Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report[/b] from the menu bar.

    If you are using 1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store), you'll need to follow the instructions here:

    Then attach the entire file to an email to support AT

    Please include a link to this thread and your other one so that we might more quickly "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    [color="#FF0000"]Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, though.[/color]
  • diitto
    diitto Junior Member
    Khad, it isn't that I don't trust you guys... But I just created the Diagnostic Report you just requested and my oh my, there's so much information there I would never be smart enough to judge whether or not I would want that much potentially private info out in the world anywhere, whether I trust folks or not... I'm afraid I will have to pass on sending that out... If there is something specific, some subset that you might particularly want to see I would certainly look at that and if it looked benign, I would send that out via email... Let me know... bob...
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    You need to do what you are comfortable doing, but it will be very difficult (and maybe impossible) to resolve your issue without seeing the Diagnostics Report. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_worried.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':S' />

    It is primarily log entries and other information about the way 1Password is installed and configured on your machine. We request that you don't post it publicly because it contains your computer name and OS X username as well as your 1Password license key. There are some circumstances under which your IP address may be included, but normally it is not. (Your IP address is already shared when you use the Internet anyway, so even if it wasn't in the report it would be available to us just as it is available to anyone with whom you communicate online.)

    Please feel free to review the contents of the Diagnostics Report and let me know if you have any questions or further concerns. We are also more than happy to continue the conversation in private via email at the address listed above if you prefer.