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Password list created on iPhone is not viewable on Windows - How do I resolve?

I have been using 1Password since the original version was launched and have been upgrading regularly through the AppStore. I have now also decided to sync with my Windows 7 pc and have followed the instructions to sync my 1Password iPhone with 1Password Workstation version using drop box. All steps have gone smoothly and it seems that everything is in sync. However when use the Windows 7 version I can only see listed 7 logins and 1 wallet entry out of 98. The rest are not visible. I have also used Safari to access 1Password Anywhere and this time I see all entries listed but I'm unable to view the contents for the majority ones and I get this error message (also attached screenshots at the bottom):


[b]The data file for this entry could not be loaded."[/b]

The only entries that I can see their password are the same entries as the ones shown in the Windows client (ie. the same 7 logins and 1 wallet entries).

I have tried re-peating the registration end to end with no success. I also removed the Windows version all together and started again with still no joy.

Can you please advise how I can resolve this issue as I have just spent $69 on something that I cannot use.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, gioone. Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    If all of your data is present and accounted for in the iOS app, I'd like to create a new data folder in 1Password for Windows and start Dropbox syncing fresh.

    Please try this:

    1. In the 1Password iOS app tap: [b]Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Account > Reset[/b]

    2. In 1Password for Windows, select [b]Backup > Back Up 1Password Data[/b] from the menu bar.

    3. Then select [b]File > New 1Password Data Folder[/b] from the menu bar. This will create a new, empty data folder into which your 1Password data from the iOS app will sync.

    4. In 1Password for Windows' preferences, click the "[b]Move to Dropbox[/b]" button.

    5. Turn on Dropbox syncing in the 1Password iOS app: [b]Settings > Sync > Dropbox[/b].

    Please let me know how it goes.