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Feature Request: Domain Matching

Perhaps there is a way to do this currently, but I have not found it.

I have a generic login I use for many sites that do not deal with critical personal or financial data. I use the same login for all such sites.

What I would like to do, with 1Password, is set up a login record that is not associated with a specific URL/domain name, and then be able to grab that login whenever it is needed, on various web locations.

Am I missing the obvious here? It seems that some sort of web address is required to create a login record in 1Password.


  • Chris White
    Chris White Junior Member
    Hi Henry,

    That's an interesting request but while I can understand that you aren't concerned about security on those items a lot of users would probably gravitate to that feature on all of their logins and we don't want to encourage that.

    Even with websites I'm not concerned with I still prefer to setup a unique password with the secure password generator since it takes me so little time and I never have to think about the ramifications of one password being compromised. It would also add an additional layer of complexity because you'd have to check or think about whether the site you're on used that generic password.

    1Password couple probably track that but I'm not sure it's worth the potential insecurity, added complexity and tracking problem to save two or three clicks at registration.

    I'm not saying there's no way we would do it, I can't make a promise either way, it's something to consider for a future version of 1Password. However, those are a few of the potential problems we'd have to overcome before implementing a generic account feature into 1Password.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • [quote name='Chris White' timestamp='1333334415' post='59256']

    Hi Henry,

    I'm not saying there's no way we would do it, I can't make a promise either way, it's something to consider for a future version of 1Password. However, those are a few of the potential problems we'd have to overcome before implementing a generic account feature into 1Password.


    Thanks for the reply. The only potential problem I can make out there is that of your concern over users' judgement in using the feature. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/huh.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':huh:' />

    I am simply looking for a way to avoid setting up several dozen logins in 1Password that all (currently) share the same login information (forums and other areas where no financial or personal information is involved, but yet still require a login).
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Obviously we want the easy thing to do to be the secure thing to do, and 1Password is perfect for actually living up to the ideal of [i]unique passwords for every site[/i].

    That said, we are looking at domain matching for the future. It is already [url=""]available in 1Password for Windows to a limited extent[/url].

    As Ani DiFranco once sang, "Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right." Stay safe out there! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1334032525' post='59397']

    That said, we are looking at domain matching for the future. It is already [url=""]available in 1Password for Windows to a limited extent[/url].


    Hi there. I was keeping my fingers crossed the newest version might include domain matching. 3.9.6 arrived today at the MAS, but alas no domain matching. I hope to keep this request alive. I do not expect to be moving to Windows anytime soon <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    The new Safari toolbar icon is a nice improvement.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]The new Safari toolbar icon is a nice improvement. [/quote]

    Thanks! That was actually released in a separate update to the browser extension. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I don't think you'll be seeing the ability to add multiple URLs to a Login item any time before 1Password 4 is released. I can't provide a time frame for a specific release, but this is certainly on our radar.
  • I'd just like to present another use case for this feature.

    I sign into Stack Overflow and various other Stack Exchange sites regularly. I use their Stack Exchange login facility, which I have stored in 1Password under but when I try to log in to Stack Overflow I'm at It would be nice if I could associate the other Stack Exchange domains with this account (I have the same issue for,, etc).


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The same Login items should be presented in the extension's "Fill and Submit Login" section at the top of the list for any sites that use the same FQDN:
  • [quote name='Maurice Kelly' timestamp='1351764293' post='62904']

    I'd just like to present another use case for this feature.

    I sign into Stack Overflow and various other Stack Exchange sites regularly. I use their Stack Exchange login facility, which I have stored in 1Password under but when I try to log in to Stack Overflow I'm at It would be nice if I could associate the other Stack Exchange domains with this account (I have the same issue for,, etc).


    This is precisely what I'd like this for. I currently have a 'StackExchange' entry in 1Password, and then have to maintain various entries called ' (dup of StackExchage)', ' (dup of StackExchange)' etc for all domains that are actually part of StackExchange. Very annoying, since it requires manually updating all when I change my StackExchange password. Matching multiple domains would be great.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, 2robo2! I've passed your vote for this along to the developers. I know they are keen to add this feature, but I don't have a time frame for a specific release.