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Visual Unlock for browser plugin

I would like to see an option for a visual unlock option. Obviously it would be less secure, but on some machines would be enough.

Something like i have seen on some smartphones where i can just use the mouse to enter a correct sequence i choose etc.

It would be nice if this was configurable by location as well. Like at my house I would use the visual/mouse unlock, but for work machine i would want the full password unlock.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, wormszer. We don't get many requests to [i]weaken[/i] 1Password's security. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Location can be spoofed, so all of your 1Password data would only be as secure — or rather insecure — as the specific pattern you chose. I'm not sure that a sufficiently strong pattern would be any easier to enter than a good master password on the keyboard.

    If you are finding it difficult to type your master password, might I suggest one that is strong, memorable, [b]and[/b] easy to type? See our blog post here:


    Another thing that you might find useful are lists of words that involve alternating hands to type. I'm attaching a list of 1569 words (from /usr/share/dict/words) which can be typed using alternating hands (on a QWERTY keyboard).

    If you randomly pick, say, five words from the list you will have something that should be easy to type and provides 50 bits of entropy. I know that this is not the kind of "solution" you were looking for, but if it helps make it easier for you to use 1Password as designed that is all the better.
