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How to export Wallet items?

Using 1Password for Windows... Is it my imagination or am I [i]only[/i] able to export Login items to a text file? Can't I export items [i]other than[/i] logins? That seems to be a significant downside to being able to get data out of the program if needed at any point. Is that the idea, so you can't take your data anywhere else? I was ready to purchase the program, but this apparent lack is giving me pause to consider further. Or am I just dense and missing how to do that??? Thanks...


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, asl8er. Thanks for asking about this.

    We certainly have no desire to trick you into using 1Password if you don't want to. At this time, you will need to use the "1Password Interchange File" format to export non-Login items.


    The data is in plain text, and the JSON-based format is well-documented here:

    Many apps will import 1PIF files. If you give me some more details about what you are trying to do with the data perhaps I can provide more specific advice.

  • Hmmm, OK, thanks. So then what can I do with this 1pif formatted text file? Any way to get it parsed into an Excel spreadsheet, CSV, delimited text, etc.?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Offhand, I don't know of any tools that will do a direct conversion except 1Password for Mac which can export [b]all[/b] items directly to CSV. Again, i[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]f you give me some more details about what you are trying to do with the data perhaps I can provide more specific advice. Storing such sensitive data in an unencrypted format such as XLS, CSV, or TSV should obviously not be a long term solution. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/font][/color]
  • So if I understand: 1password for Mac will do a "direct conversion" of all items to CSV as you say, but 1password for Windows will not, and can only export the Login items to CSV, not the other items? Is that true, if so, that is [i]quite a limitation[/i] (of the Windows product).

    And you say that "many apps will import 1pif files", but what other apps [i]besides[/i] 1password for Mac?

    Sorry to be such a bother about this. Again, my concern with [u]any[/u] data management product is not only being able to get data [u]into[/u] it, but [u]out[/u] of it also, in the case I might need to do it. I realize this is only a transitional not a long term solution, but having been burned too many times I'm hesitant to put all my eggs in one basket, as great a basket as 1password might be!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm not sure what you mean by "direct conversion", but 1Password for Mac can export all items types to CSV while 1Password for Windows can only export Login items to CSV at this time. Both Mac and Windows versions can export all data to the 1Password Interchange Format (1PIF). I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear enough in my previous posts.

    As mentioned above, 1PIF data is in plain text, and the JSON-based format is well-documented here:

    I won't advertise competing products for other companies in our forums, but there are several other well-known password managers that import 1PIF data. I am not familiar enough with them to know how well they handle the import, but that is something AgileBits doesn't really have any control over. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    If you absolutely need to to have your data in CSV format, you can access your data in 1Password on a friend's Mac (if you don't have one yourself) and export it to CSV there.

    I agree that it is a limitation, and I regret that it is currently the case. It is on our radar to improve in a future update. The issue of data portability is definitely important to us. That is why you can export all of your data from 1Password at any time. We have no desire to lock you in against your will.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.