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Firefox 11, folders not showing up

With the previous version when I opened the Firefox browser extension I saw a list of folders, which I could open and select a website to go to and 1Password would log me in.

Now the extension does not offer that option. You have to select from the login menu.

Is there a way of getting access to folders back?

The folders still show up when I open the desktop application but you can't log-in from that application. If we can no longer access folders from the extension what purpose do the folders now have?

Perplexed and not happy with the change,



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Michael! Thanks for taking the time to contact us.

    At this time there is no support for folders in the extension itself, but this is something we are looking at for a future update.

    In the meantime there are several ways to quickly access your Login items:

    1. It sounds like it may surprise you to learn that it certainly is possible to log in from the main 1Password application. Just make sure you [b]select your browser[/b] and set the double-click behavior to "[b]Open the Location in web browser.[/b]" When you double-click a Login item you will be invoking the Go & Fill feature which not only goes to the URL in your selected browser, but fills your information as well.


    2. Search within the 1Password extension simply by typing. No, really, it's that easy. [b]Just open the extension and start typing.[/b] Press Return to select the Login from the bottom "Open Login in…" section to Go & Fill. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    3. Create folders of 1Click Bookmarks directly in your browser. Just [b]hold down the ALT key while dragging a Login item to your browser's bookmarks bar[/b]. You can create as many 1Click Bookmarks in your browser as you wish. This way you can even take advantage of your browser's "Open All in Tabs" feature for "mass" Go & Fill!

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
