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Dropbox Sync issue

obatron Junior Member
I didn't see this discussed in my cursory search...

I have been using 1Password extensively with the datafile stored in a folder within my Dropbox folder. Everything seems to be fine between my desktops and laptops (windows and Mac). I've seen a couple of issues:

1. Occastionally the browser extension complains of a conflict and I end up with a duplicate entry...

2. When I sync on my iPhone to Dropbox, the phone has a nasty habit of deleting entries (some of them fairly old), moving them to the trash. They are not duplicates, and I haven't found a reason they would delete. I've taken to periodically moving the stuff out of trash to a folder periodically...although then deleted entries come back.

Number one isn't frequent and I can probably attribute that to the shear number of systmes I have accessing the same file (i.e. maybe left 1Password open on my home computer for instance.)

Number two is a bit more frustrating. Is there a way to sync one way on the iPhone other than just using the web interface to dropbox on it?




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry you're having some trouble, but I'm happy to help you get things squared away. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote]1. Occastionally the browser extension complains of a conflict and I end up with a duplicate entry...[/quote]

    Could you provide a bit more detail about this? I would presume you mean that there is a visible error message when you say that "the browser extension complains", but I don't know of any such error message.

    To be clear, the extension will never save a Login item unless you tell it to. In some cases, it may prompt you to save a Login for a site that you have already saved. It shouldn't normally do this unless you are using a new password. In that case it is exepected behavior, but you always have the option of declining the prompt to save.

    [quote]2. When I sync on my iPhone to Dropbox, the phone has a nasty habit of deleting entries (some of them fairly old), moving them to the trash. They are not duplicates, and I haven't found a reason they would delete. I've taken to periodically moving the stuff out of trash to a folder periodically...although then deleted entries come back.[/quote]

    This sounds more troubling. I'd like to get a Diagnostics Report from you to have some more data while we work on this matter.

    In 1Password 3.8, just select [b]Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report[/b] from the menu bar.

    If you are using 1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store), you'll need to follow the instructions here:

    Then attach the entire file to an email to support AT

    Please include a link to this thread in order that we might more quickly "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    [color="#FF0000"]Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, though.[/color]

    Dropbox syncing is automatic, so there isn't normally a "moment" when you sync. It happens constantly as you make changes.

    One thing I would suggest while we are waiting for your Diagnostics Report is for you to follow the steps in the thread pinned at the top of this forum to rebuild your data file and reset Dropbox syncing on your iOS device(s):

    We look forward to receiving your Diagnostics Report and any additional details you can provide in the email.

    I'm sure we can get this resolved for you.

  • obatron
    obatron Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1335564230' post='59653']

    Could you provide a bit more detail about this? I would presume you mean that there is a visible error message when you say that "the browser extension complains", but I don't know of any such error message.


    I have the 1Password button visiable, when I puress it, the little box appears that you type your password in. Occasionally, I see a count/sync thing going on below the password entry (it's also where it lets you know if there's an error in your password.) This sometimes comes up with a conflict error message. I'll try and get a snapshot next time it happens, but it's not incredibly frequent.


    To be clear, the extension will never save a Login item unless you tell it to. In some cases, it may prompt you to save a Login for a site that you have already saved. It shouldn't normally do this unless you are using a new password. In that case it is exepected behavior, but you always have the option of declining the prompt to save.


    Understood. This occurs when I'm activating the 1password button to fill in a login item. I'm not sure if the the duplicates occur on the conflict error...


    This sounds more troubling. I'd like to get a Diagnostics Report from you to have some more data while we work on this matter.

    In 1Password 3.8, just select [b]Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report[/b] from the menu bar.

    If you are using 1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store), you'll need to follow the instructions here:


    Then attach the entire file to an email to support AT

    Please include a link to this thread in order that we might more quickly "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    [color=#FF0000]Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, though.[/color]

    Dropbox syncing is automatic, so there isn't normally a "moment" when you sync. It happens constantly as you make changes.


    File on it's way

    Okay, this may be the issue. I don't make any changes on the iphone, i use it just to look up passwords. Syncing isn't automatic because there are times that I know there are password entries missing on the phone. I then have to go to settings and sync there and that's where the problem crops up.


    One thing I would suggest while we are waiting for your Diagnostics Report is for you to follow the steps in the thread pinned at the top of this forum to rebuild your data file and reset Dropbox syncing on your iOS device(s):


    We look forward to receiving your Diagnostics Report and any additional details you can provide in the email.

    I'm sure we can get this resolved for you.



    Will perform the steps tomorrow.
  • obatron
    obatron Junior Member
    Okay, I reset 1Password on my Mac.

    I then reset 1Password on my iPhone...Dropbox immediately started complaining about conflicted copies (on my Mac) and I see a bunch of files being added...I'm a little afraid to open 1password now until it's done complaining...
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Bob,

    You shouldn't have to worry about that, 1Password keeps a daily backup of your 1Password data if there are changes to it, so you can restore if anything goes wrong.

    Because you reset both 1Password apps and they are working with the same data file, Dropbox get confused on figuring out which is the correct item and thus create conflicts. To fix this, you'd need to use the Conflict Resolver to resolve all of them.

    Do the following:


    [*]Open the main 1Password app on the Mac, you should see the conflict resolver open up and if not, go to the Help Menu > Tools > Find and Resolve Sync Conflicts

    [*]Press the gear button on the bottom left of the resolver and select "Resolve all from <Mac>" if your Mac is the correct source or resolve from Dropbox

    [*]Once you do this, go to the Help Menu > Troubleshooting > Rebuild Data File in 1Password

    [*]Now, wait for Dropbox to finish its sync. You should see a green checkmark on the blue Dropbox icon when it is done syncing. Once you do, open 1Password on your iPhone and go to Settings > Sync > Dropbox, tap on "Sync Now".


    That should resolve your issues. I hope that helps, please let me know how it turns out.