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iPhone will not sync 1Password file from DropBox

It all used to work fine, but today, the 1Password file on my iPhone shows a very short list, with a lot of items missing compared to my Mac. I tried to sync it, but it is rejecting my master password, saying it must have changed. It has not been changed.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please make sure you have tried following the steps in the troubleshooting guide pinned at the top of this forum:

    Does that resolve the issue for you?
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1337314643' post='59935']

    Does that resolve the issue for you?


    Thank you, that seems to have worked. However, Dropbox on my iPhone crashed before completing the update/sync and I had to launch it again to complete the job.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for letting me know that everything is working well now! We should have that crash fixed in an update. Please let me know if it happens again.

  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1337363773' post='59942']Please let me know if it happens again.[/quote]

    Will do.
  • misterdna
    misterdna Junior Member
    I'm going through this process, as I suddenly discovered a lot of data I see on my computer (and the when I log onto my data via browser/dropbox) wasn't on my iPhone.

    Assuming your suggested fix works, it's still a bit disconcerting that the iPhone says it's synced, but the data really isn't synced. As a user, this seems like a major issue, when the mobile 1Password app says clearly my Dropbox data is synced, however it really is not synced. You guys seem to be a bit matter-of-fact about it, which makes me a bit nervous that there are other flaws you guys are matter-of-fact about too (possibly security related). Is there a fix in store? There's no way I can check all my data to make sure it all matches, do I need to go through this process every day to be sure my iPhone data is really synced?

    Also, I noticed there is a very ambiguous screen on the 1Password app. When I go to sync setting, I see screen that simply asks for "Master Password on iPhone." Is this my iPhone password you want? My 1Password data password? It's very unclear to me (in my case, it was my 1Password password I needed to enter, I'm not even think there's a separate 1Password password for iPhone, so this seems like it could be made a lot more clear.

    As I'm typing this and I'm going through step 2 of the fix (I reset the iPhone synce, now it's all catching up), I keep seeing alert after alert on my computer from Dropbox, saying things like as: "3498FJAHDSFIUKAJSDFUQHEF... (Rob's iPhone's conflicted copy 2012-09-23).1password" was added to your Dropbox folder." As a laymen, I'd assume my iPhone would simply be loading the 1Password data on Dropbox, not creating a bunch of new data file.

    Shoot, my iPhone says the sync is done, after going through steps one and two, but the missing data is still not there. Not sure if I need to quit the iPhone app before starting the process? I'm going on vacation tomorrow, and now I suddenly feel like I have tech issues...

    I have no idea if this is normal, but it's disconcerting.
  • misterdna
    misterdna Junior Member
    I've just gone a few more rounds with rebuilding the file on my desktop computer, and going as far as resetting (deleting) the database on my iPhone... Twice. Yet still, the particular "Note" I'm looking at isn't getting updated on my iPhone. In the finder, the rebuilt data files all have a current date and time, and accessing the file using my browswer and continues to have the updated (correct) info on that note.

    I'm really confused, not sure what step to do next, and unsure if there's a lot of stuff that isn't syncing right, or if I found some oddball note.
  • misterdna
    misterdna Junior Member
    Okay, mystery solved... The problem is, the Note I'm looking at is a long list. When the Note is viewed on the iPhone app, it appeared the most recent entries on the list weren't being synced. But it turns out, the app simply isn't displaying the entire list. I figured this out when I hit "edit" on the Note on the iPhone, then I saw everything that was supposed to be there.

    In other words, there was never a sync issue or problem with my data. It was always the iPhone app simply not displaying the entire Note, that fooled me into thinking the data was not current. The growing iPhone interface implies that the app accomodates and displays every size Note, long or short, I had no clue some info wasn't being displayed. Anyway, glad I figured it out, but you may want to look into the iPhone app not displaying long notes in their entirety.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    This is a known issue that should be resolved in a future update. Please see my post here:
  • I just had a problem syncing between my iPad, mac, and PC. So, I loaded iPassword on my PC, only to find out that it needed to be updated. As soon as I updated, my Mac and iPad synced right up.

    Thought this might come in useful for others...maybe agile can change the message to say updates are required.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Summertop! Thanks for the feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    It is always a good idea to stay up to date with 1Password, your OS, and your browser(s). The version of 1Password you are running on your Mac or PC should not have any effect on syncing with the mobile apps, though, as they do not sync with the app but directly with Dropbox. You can even uninstall 1Password from your Mac or PC and Dropbox syncing will still work on your mobile devices.

    Whatever happened in your case, I'm glad things are working well now. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!