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Issue with Chrome extension!

I Have a red exclamation mark on the chrome extension button when i click on the exclamation i get the following trouble shooting report..... any ideas?

[b] 1Password Troubleshooting Report[/b]


When experiencing problems this page can help you diagnose the cause. Common configuration issues detected on your system will be highlighted below, along with troubleshooting tips to resolve them.[/color][color=#000000]

If the support team requests this report, you send it to them by saving this page (select File > Save As) and then attaching the saved file to your email response.[/color][color=#000000]

[b] Configuration Issues Detected[/b]

The following configuration issues were detected.

[b] Problem Syncing with 1Password[/b]


[b] System Information[/b]

System time 2012-5-19 : 10:6:57 Browser version Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.46 Safari/536.5

[b] 1Password Extension Information[/b]

Extension version ([url=""]release notes[/url]) Database created at 2012-5-19 : 1:30:8 Instance UUID dcd654f0...F243 Uptime (mins) 21

[b] 1Password Helper Information[/b]

Connection status Connected Last Sync Error Could not sync because the 1Password database was replaced or was recreated. You can fix this problem by reinstalling the extension. 1Password Helper version 1.0.9 (294) Heart beat interval (sec) 20 Heart beat acknowledged No Number of heart beats 0 Round trip elapse time (ms) Data update in progress No Last data update completed at 2012-5-19 : 9:51:27 Data update elapse time (ms) 18

[b] 1Password Extension Settings[/b]

Autosave enabled YES Autosubmit enabled YES Universal Unlock enabled YES Conceal Passwords YES Avoid Autosave on Domains ""


  • Also have same issue in chrome on my mac book too
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, tcrockdj. Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having this problem.

    On your Mac, please ensure that you are running the latest version of 1Password. We released an update last month that added support for Chrome 19 (before it was even released), but we are still seeing some folks running older versions of 1Password. If you are still having trouble on your Mac after updating and restarting, please attach a [url=""]Diagnostics Report[/url] to a [url=""]private support ticket[/url].

    In Windows, there are a number of different possibilities. Please carefully step through the troubleshooting guide:

    Note especially step 7 which relates to certain antivirus and other security software:

    If you are still having trouble, could you attach a Diagnostics Report to a [url=""]private support ticket[/url]? Select [b]Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File[/b] from the menu bar in 1Password for Windows.
