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Dropbox folder not Being Updated

I have 1password for windows and have added a number of software programs and web site but have hesitated in having it replace existing passwords with encrypted ones until I insure that dropbox will allow me to use it across my iphone, ipad and two PCs.

The issue is that I had to reinstall dropbox. My 1password configuration says, under Preferences that the path for backup is set to the dropbox folder and in fact the Move to Dropbox button is therefore greyed out. But as my chain is updated the dropbox folder is not being updated on the PC and thus it is not being updated in my dropbox online account.

I have considered that in deleting and reinstalling Dropbox 1password might be confused, see that path so thinks it is OK but that the deleted dropbox directly on my local PC contain some additional information that 1password need to see to update the file. The 1password/backup folder does show the perodic backup the agilechain file.

1. Should I uninstall 1 password and start from scratch?

2. Is there another way to have 1password re-recognize that the file should be updated?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    1. Uninstalling 1Password will have no effect on your data, so it will not help anything.

    2. Yes, you can open the correct data folder from the File menu if you have more than one and have confused the two.

    We [i]do not[/i] recommend setting your backup path to anywhere inside your Dropbox folder. Only your active data folder should be in the Dropbox folder. Could you post a screenshot of your 1Password for Windows preferences on the General tab?

    It is also possible that the problem is not with 1Password for Windows but that Dropbox sync needs to be reset on your iOS devices. Please see my post here for instructions:

    Please let me know how it goes. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />