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iPhone & iPad treated as if they were new

romad Member
When I went to sync them today, even though both were listed under the Sync item in the left pane of 1P, 1P would not sync them. I had to go through the hassle of re-registering them with 1P before they would sync. Why is this? Is there a time limit for going without syncing? I only sync every 2 - 3 months.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for asking about this. The reason is related to some security improvements that required a one-time re-authentication for Wi-Fi syncing in the 1Password 3.6.5 update. In case you missed the relevant blog post:

    There was a long section on the "inconsequential" changes to Wi-Fi sync, but we had to cut it for length.

    The way that 1Password on Mac recognizes a phone for Wi-Fi sync that it has talked to before involve the 1Password on the phone providing a unique identifier. That used to be based on the device UDID. Now it is based on a random number.

    It was nothing you did (unless you count updating to the current version of 1Password for iOS), and it will not be an ongoing affair. Just remove the old device and re-authenticate to get back to your regularly scheduled life. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I would also be remiss if I didn't at least _mention_ our recommended sync solution. 1Password provides a method of syncing that is fully automatic and does not require you to even be near your computer.

    With Dropbox syncing, you can keep 1Password up to date from across town or across the country — anywhere you have an Internet connection. You Mac doesn't even have to be turned on!

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!