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Selecting from a list of multiple Login items in the extension

I have multiple email addresses on Gmail/Google for logins

I'd like to be able to hit Ctrl-\ and the 1Password extension opens, then I can select the correct login with the arrow keys, hit enter and the user/pass will be filled in.

Right now, on Chrome (19.0.1084.56) when I hit Ctrl-\ it automatically fills in the first Google login, and I'm not given the chance to change it unless I click on the 1Password browser extension button.

Is this related to some Auto-Type option? Please help explain this to me!



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Please ensure that you do not have auto-type enabled for your Google Login items.

    You will be prompted to choose a Login if the URL you are viewing matches multiple Login items in 1Password. Make sure that your Google Login items have the exact same URL saved within them. Otherwise, if one (and only one) matches exactly then that is the one that will be filled automatically.

    Please let me know how it goes once you have the same URL saved in the Login items.