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import data from thinkvantage password manager

Hi everyone

is it possible to import to 1password from thinkvantage password manager

thinkvantage password manager exports two kind of files a .exe file or a .pwm file


Best Regards


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, nferreira! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm not familiar with that application, but it sounds like they are doing something very strange if they are exporting an executable program (.exe). It sounds like you are using Windows on your desktop computer (and not Windows Phone 7 on your mobile device). Please let me know so I can move your post to the correct forum if needed.

    If you cannot export to a standard CSV file, you may find some trouble with the import. Could you post a screenshot of the export options?
  • Hi Khad Young

    My mistake i wanted to post on windows section, not mobile.

    The application "thinkvantage password manager" comes with all lenovo laptops for windows OS.

    This are the two only export options, and it always exports with a password



    Best Regards

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I was hoping for a screenshot of the menu options rather than a file save window, but it sounds like they don't want you to be able to get your data out of the application in a way that you can use in another app like 1Password. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    If the data is encrypted, 1Password can't read it. You'll need to get it into a format (such as standard CSV) that is not encrypted. You will need to contact the developer of the other program for assistance in that regard.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you. What I can say is that if you switch to 1Password, you will never have that problem again. We think you will like 1Password enough to stick with it, so we don't need to employ tricks to lock you in. 1Password supports full export of your data into a standard file format that can be read and imported by countless programs.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.