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Check for New Version... Does not work...

bplummer Junior Member

I have version of 1Password for Windows running in Windows 7 Professional. I know this version is quite a few revs out of date but this is because my Check for New Version... option on the Help menu will not work.

It gives me the folloiwng message:

...:/ is currently unavailable.

The web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your internet connection settings.

I tried turning off my firewall and lowering my security settings but nothing changed. I still get the same message...

Can I just download the latest version and install it? If I do this will it properly update my 1Password and NOT affect my data?

Please advise...




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Brian,

    Sorry to hear you are having some trouble. Since you are using such an old version, you will need to download the latest version of 1Password for Windows manually and install it yourself:

    We made some changes to the update mechanism and server since was released over a year ago that require an updated version of 1Password. Once you install the latest version, you shouldn't have any trouble.

    If you are still having trouble, make sure that you configure 1Password for your proxy server if you are behind one.

    Please let me know how it goes.