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How to make my web app work with 1p

I'm writing a web app entirely in javascript and I'd like to make it work with 1p.

Currently when you log in you aren't prompted to save your details in 1p and when manually adding it it doesn't auto submit (though it fills it correctly).

The form is a standard HTML5 compliant form and on submit I prevent the default action and logs you in using JS instead.

What can I do to make it work with 1password?




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Nicklas! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'd be happy to help you get it sorted out. It sounds like your JavaScript may be preventing 1Password from "doing its thing." Could you let me know the URL so I can take a look and provide some more specific assistance?

    If you'd rather not share it publicly, we'd be happy to help via email: support AT
