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Trouble getting started; some specific questions

As an extensive user of software programs I must say the installation and setup of 1Password for Windows has been the most frustrating experience I have ever had. There is tremendous apprehension in moving to a program like this despite the time and security benefits for anyone, including me. But it seem agilebits must presume for anyone it is a walk in the park. But it is very hard to gain confidence that one is setting things up correctly with the limited guide information and relying on tutorials that one finds on YouTube.

But I DO wish to use it and purchased the bundled version so I can use it on my ipad, iphone and PC. Thus taking the time to write this post. I even emailed agilebits to ask if I could pay a fee to have someone walk me through the setup process without compromising my personal information of course. No response or pointer to a third party.

Since my dropbox folder was not updating, I punted and have now reinstalled the program several times, delete and reinstalled Dropbox as well. Trying to start from scratch. Here are my issues:

1. Unable to attached logins to an identity. How do I set an identity as the default. My login's go into the unassigned folder.

2. Prompted by 1Password to remember a login but, even with auto complete it fails to subsequently log me in. For example, in google it autofilled in the search box with my ID and password rather than the login fields.

3. Where does it allow me to have it create an encripted password once it has added my unencrypted login to its list? Yes, upon a login to a new site it prompts to remember, but once again, what does one do to replace it with an encrypted password? Am I missing some sort of browser extension?

4. I work mostly on the PC. But when using multiple devices I wonder if starting the 1P installation process and setting up login is best done first on the PC and then use dropbox to sync the apple devices is the best way to work the process. So what order is it best to do this in?

5. In dropbox I sought to setup a sync relationship to make sure that my online dropbox account knew that it had a partnership with 1P but dropbox tells me that there are none available to set up. Do I need to set up that partnership? So, I have not found a detailed explaination of how the process of syncing takes place. For example, it looks like 1P syncs, as a default, with dropbox on my hard drive on a daily basis. Then, I assume 1P knows to periodically update dropbox with the current keychain or perhaps dropbox knows to check for new files anytime I login online or open it on the PC. But that is just an example of a process that is not clearly laid out so I understand what hapens and need to be done by me. Being unsure of this as being true or not causes angst. And then the question becomes how do I make sure my ipad and iphone always have the latest chain? Once again, agillebits information is not seemless, it is provided in pockets with screen shots. Another example is that if I click on one of my remembered login's I do not see the button shown in the user guide for generate password. It seem like it should be so easy.

I simply wanted to choose say three or four of my login's that are not critical, to set up the system on the three devices and test to build my confidence that in fact it will work well. But I am stuck in a spin cycle.

So should I deinstall everything again? Must I set up an identity prior to using the login capabilities? Once I have added a login how do I have that login replaced with a new encrypted password? Lastly is it true that despite my being logged into 1Password using my master password, each time I even want the program to remember this newly accessed site's password I have to re-enter my master password? So effectively I'll have to re-enter my sixteen digit code perhaps forty or fifty times over time as I re-enter sites?

I wish I could figure this out and perhaps someone can set me straight as it seems like a great idea.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hello again, bobson58! I'm sorry that you are still having some trouble. It sounds like you may have missed my other reply to your earlier post. Here is the link:

    As I mentioned in my previous reply, you can contact us at AgileBits at any time — [b]free of charge[/b] — here in these community forums or via our support site:

    We are always here to help.

    [quote]1. Unable to attached logins to an identity. How do I set an identity as the default. My login's go into the unassigned folder.[/quote]

    It sounds like there may be some confusion between a couple different features. Identity items cannot be "attached" to other items like Logins. They are simply meant as a way to save your personal information for filling on a web page via the browser extensions. To access them in the browser extension, simply click the "Identities" section and then click on one of your Identities to fill:


    The "Unassigned" folder is simply a Smart Folder that represents all the items you have not filed in a folder of your own. Folders can be used to categorize items, and you can create new ones by selecting [b]File > New Folder[/b] from the menu bar. Then just drag the item you want to file into the folder you created. If an item is not assigned to any folder, it will be listed in the "Unassigned" folder.


    2. Prompted by 1Password to remember a login but, even with auto complete it fails to subsequently log me in. For example, in google it autofilled in the search box with my ID and password rather than the login fields.


    You'll need to be sure you are viewing the site's login page so that 1Password can fill your credentials in the correct fields. There is no search field on Google's login page, so it sounds like you were trying to fill one of your Login items on Google's home page rather than the Login page. Try this:

    1. Navigate to Google's Login page in your browser:

    2. Press CTRL+\ on your keyboard or select the Login item from the 1Password button in your browser.

    3. You should be automatically logged in.

    Please let me know if you are stuck on any one of those steps. I'd love to provide further assistance if necessary.

    [quote]3. Where does it allow me to have it create an encripted password once it has added my unencrypted login to its list? Yes, upon a login to a new site it prompts to remember, but once again, what does one do to replace it with an encrypted password? Am I missing some sort of browser extension?[/quote]

    The 1Password browser extension is required to saving and filling Logins, but from your remarks above it sounds like you already have it installed. If not, you can install the extension in your browser(s) from 1Password's preferences on the Browsers tab.


    There really isn't such a thing as an "encrypted" password (though 1Password stores all of your passwords in an encrypted form on your computer). A password is a password, and 1Password will store all your passwords — whatever they are — and fill them for you as I described above. If you wish to change your password for a site to a [i]more secure[/i] password using 1Password's built-in password generator, you can follow the steps in our support article for this:

    For example, if your password is "badpassword" you will need to follow the steps to update the password on the website and within 1Password, so the password 1Password knows and fills is the one the website is expecting. A generated password will look more like this: [font=courier new,courier,monospace][b]bezyG6uJ{6sWsqfJwuQ8t].GuwGo8c^E8}dk.cbEMJLww7mvbD[/b][/font]

    [quote]4. I work mostly on the PC. But when using multiple devices I wonder if starting the 1P installation process and setting up login is best done first on the PC and then use dropbox to sync the apple devices is the best way to work the process. So what order is it best to do this in?

    5. In dropbox I sought to setup a sync relationship to make sure that my online dropbox account knew that it had a partnership with 1P but dropbox tells me that there are none available to set up. Do I need to set up that partnership?


    You will need to set up Dropbox syncing in 1Password for Windows [b]first[/b], and then set it up on your mobile devices. We have a complete Dropbox sync setup guide available here:

    If you are stuck on any step, please let me know which step you are stuck on. I'd be happy to help more if you let me know where you are having trouble.

    [quote]…how do I make sure my ipad and iphone always have the latest chain?[/quote]

    Once Dropbox syncing is setup properly, there is nothing more to worry about. The syncing is automatic. That is one of the many benefits of using Dropbox to sync your data. Just set it and forget it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote]I simply wanted to choose say three or four of my login's that are not critical, to set up the system on the three devices and test to build my confidence that in fact it will work well.[/quote]That is a fantastic way to get started. In fact, it might be even better just to start with one at first. I hope my steps above are helpful. As you move forward, please let me know how I can best assist you. It is much easier to walk through things one step at a time than to overwhelm you with a massive reply like this after several different issues have piled up.

    [quote]So should I deinstall everything again?[/quote]

    From everything you have had so far, there should not be any reason to reinstall anything. Your data is stored separately from the main application, so it really doesn't accomplish anything to remove and reinstall 1Password over and over again. It's like changing the oil on your car every time you drive it. It might not necessarily hurt anything, it is just a waste of your time and will probably only make you frustrated and averse to driving (or using 1Password). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote]Must I set up an identity prior to using the login capabilities?[/quote]

    If it helps, you can simply ignore Identities for now if they are causing some confusion. As I mentioned above they are just separate items meant to help you fill in your name, address, and other personal information when signing up for new websites or making a purchase while shopping online. They are pretty much completely unrelated to Login items.

    [quote]Once I have added a login how do I have that login replaced with a new encrypted password?[/quote]

    I answered this above, but I'll reiterate. What you want to do is update your password on the website and within the Login item stored (encrypted) in 1Password. The term you are looking for is "generated password" since even non-generated password (i.e. shorter ones you have made up yourself) are stored encrypted in 1Password. Here is the link again describing how to switch to using a generated password for a particular website:

    [quote]Lastly is it true that despite my being logged into 1Password using my master password, each time I even want the program to remember this newly accessed site's password I have to re-enter my master password? So effectively I'll have to re-enter my sixteen digit code perhaps forty or fifty times over time as I re-enter sites?[/quote]

    This should not be the case at all, but it depends on how you have configured the auto-lock settings. 1Password will stay unlocked (and not require you to re-enter your master password) for as long as you like.

    For example, I have configured 1Password to stay unlocked all day long while I am using my computer by disabling the time-based auto-lock and the screen saver auto-lock. The only auto-lock I have enabled is to lock when my computer is locked. This way 1Password locks when I close the lid to my laptop but will otherwise remain unlocked once I have unlocked it and leave the lid open while I'm using my computer. Here is a screenshot of my settings if you'd like to try using 1Password in this manner:


    I hope the above helps, but it is a lot to digest. Again, I implore you, please contact us when you encounter any problem so it doesn't snowball into a big confusing mess. Let's try to take things one step at a time. I think you will find that to be much more productive and enjoyable. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
