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Merge 2 logins? (Not 2 keychains)

Jono Member
Is it possible to combine or merge 2 logins into 1?

For example on a banking website you might have to add login details to 2 different pages, so at the moment I have 2 (or more) login entries for that particular website in 1Password.

Is there some way to combine them so that I only have 1 login item in 1Password that can fill in data in all the different pages in that website?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    There is no way to automate the process because it is not always possible depending on the way the site is coded. So it takes a bit of manual effort. Offhand, I think I only have one site for which I have one Login for a multi-page login process. (It's Bank of America if you are interested.)

    The usual method is:

    Save a Login for the first page, so you get the URL to the entry point saved in the Login as well as all relevant details from the initial page. Then manually add the password field to the Login item by editing the item in the main 1Password application. Under the "All Fields" section, click the green "+" button to add a field with the same "Field Name" that is used on the second page of the login process.

    If you don't feel like digging through the HTML code of the second page, you should be able to just get the "Field Name" by saving a Login item for the second page. Then just enter your password as the "Field Value" and use the "Field Name" that corresponds to the password in the Login you saved for the second page.

    Again, it will not always work, so it's not something we can recommend in a tutorial. Too many sites would thwart your efforts, but you're welcome to give it a go. Let me know the URLs where you try it and if you find success. I may be able to provide some more assistance, but I can't promise we'll be able to get it to work.

  • Jono
    Jono Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1341616442' post='60636']

    There is no way to automate the process because it is not always possible depending on the way the site is coded. So it takes a bit of manual effort. Offhand, I think I only have one site for which I have one Login for a multi-page login process. (It's Bank of America if you are interested.)

    The usual method is:

    Save a Login for the first page, so you get the URL to the entry point saved in the Login as well as all relevant details from the initial page. Then manually add the password field to the Login item by editing the item in the main 1Password application. Under the "All Fields" section, click the green "+" button to add a field with the same "Field Name" that is used on the second page of the login process.

    If you don't feel like digging through the HTML code of the second page, you should be able to just get the "Field Name" by saving a Login item for the second page. Then just enter your password as the "Field Value" and use the "Field Name" that corresponds to the password in the Login you saved for the second page.

    Again, it will not always work, so it's not something we can recommend in a tutorial. Too many sites would thwart your efforts, but you're welcome to give it a go. Let me know the URLs where you try it and if you find success. I may be able to provide some more assistance, but I can't promise we'll be able to get it to work.



    Thanks a lot. I was able to create a single login item for my bank by duplicating the 1st login item, then adding new fields and copying the data from the 2nd one <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Great news! Thanks for letting me know that everything worked well. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I'm curious which bank if you don't mind sharing the URL.