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1p agent freezes machine

I have 900 logins in 1P

When there is a sync between chrome extension and 1P agent, computer freezes for a 5-6 seconds, and Agile1PAgent pops up in taskmanager as top CPU-eater.

It happens at least each time, I am unlocking extension after browser start. Or when there is updates of passwords/logins/etc.

I bet you have to implement incremental/differential sync, or at least, put a DoEvents or sleep in the loop while syncing objects.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Sorry you're having some trouble, AlexMat. I'm not able to reproduce this. What version of (1) 1Password, (2) browser, and (3) 1Password browser extension are you using?

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please send us your Diagnostics Report? Select [b]Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File[/b] from the menu bar in 1Password. Then attach the report to an email to support AT

    Please include a link to this thread so we can "connect the dots" when we see your report in our inbox.

    Once we see your report we should be able to help more. Thanks in advance!