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Not recording Facebook or ESPN

Guys - long time user of your great product on Mac and it has always been excellent.

Just bought a windows version for my son tonight and am having a heck of a time getting this to work right.

Right now, it is only picking up some login screens and recording them and ignoring the others.

It's not picking up facebook nor espn at the moment.

Please advise.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Joe! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. (And thanks for the longtime support and kind words.) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    The extension will not prompt to save a Login with the same password for the same domain more than once. Do you already have Logins saved for `` and ``?

    To test if that is the issue, try going to the Facebook login page and entering a bunch of random gibberish in the fields instead of your actual credentials. Do you see the autosave prompt when you submit the form?

    Are you able to manually save a login by filling out the login form and then clicking the `+` button in the upper right corner of the 1Password extension?

    Please let me know. I'd love to get this resolved for you.

  • Hey Khad, thanks for the quick response!

    It's pretty erratic. But it seems to be somewhat stateful, meaning that when it works, it works for a while, then when it fails it fails for a while. Here's what I know to be true.


    [*]Last night 1P was not detecting logins, this morning it magically started to at least recognize that a login took place and try to do something. Not sure what changed. But it was hanging up much like the description below for my

    [*]One of the sites that was failing last night was Facebook (to which there was no entry for in the 1Password app). When I logged in, a dialog appeared asking if I want to save it. When I said yes, it created a fb entry but the fields were blank. (this is quite common).

    [*]For entries created like this, I could go into the record and manually enter the information, but this is not something I am willing to do on a regular basis.

    [*]Using the + button for this situation does the exact same thing

    [*]On one site ( and a few others when I entered the login information (and there was no entry for the site in 1P) the site would go unresponsive. If I tried to refresh it would go still not respond. This doesn't happen when 1p is not installed. (this is quite common)

    [*]I then restarted IE and typed in jibberish into both fields and it saved it ok.

    [*]On ESPN I get the 1P error message "IE is denying access to a [frame] because it is on some other domain. (happens everytime).


    Hope this helps!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Toward the end of your post you mention that you are using Internet Explorer. There is no "+" button in the 1Password Internet Explorer extension, so I'm not what you mean when you said that using the "+" button gives the same results as autosave. What "+" button were you clicking?

    Can you tell me what version of 1Password you are using?

    Would you be willing to try the 1Password extension in another browser? Chrome, Firefox, or Safari? It sounds like th issue is in the Internet Explorer extension, but I'd like to make sure. That will help us narrow it down. That will also mitigate the frame error you are seeing on the ESPN site as the problem is specific to Internet Explorer. See more here: