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Feature Request: Mission Critical Tags/Password Calendar

I'm sure this feature request has been mentioned in some form or another, but here it goes...

Since 1Password already creates a password history, why not make use of this information? I'd like to be able to tag "mission critical"

passwords for a couple of reasons.

if I ever lost a device containing 1Password (even though I know the data is protected for the most part), I'd still want to immediately change mission critical passwords

(ie: all banking, credit card, identity related passwords, all email, social, etc) It would be great to have a way to tag which passwords should be considered

mission critical and get alerts to change these on a regular basis. Since the history information is already there, why not have 1Password use an alert

system (its own alerts, SMS, email, or sync with iCal) to tell the user that "X" password is # of days old and should be changed.

I personally have made myself my own calendar system to remind me to change about 10-15 different passwords monthly. These are mainly for high-sensitivity

related functions, such as banking. I realize that I can tag my passwords myself and set such reminders, but it would be great to have 1Password do this automatically.

Also, could functionality be added to permanently delete password histories? I really don't need to know what my Gmail password was 3 years ago. For me, keeping

only 1 previous change is enough.

I saw someone's post about the need to have a rotation feature being futile. I disagree. Even though 1Password can generate very strong and unique passwords

per site, this doesn't change the fact that things can be compromised and having a regular schedule to run password maintenance should be adhered to.

Input / feedback welcome. Thank you.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, kerberos! Thanks for taking the time to contact us with your request. I'll be sure to pass it along to the developers. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Enjoy the rest of your week!