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Improving SecureSuite / bank login iframes?

Bit of a long shot, but is there any hope of 1Password improving the crappy VerifiedByVisa / SecureSuite iframes ? eg -

[attachment=1647:Screen Shot 2012-09-04 at 13.04.05.png]

They're pretty infuriating to deal with at the best of times, but doubly so if you're using a randomly generated long password for them.

I've ended up adding a 1Password secure note that lists each letter in my password - say my password was 'secret', then the note contains

1. s

2. e

3. c

4. r

5. e

6. t

and then using that to look up each letter in my password that it looks for. Which makes things marginally easier, but is still pretty irritating.

Any better suggestions?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Such a "password ruler" in the Notes field of the Login item is what Brandt suggested in a previous thread on this:

    Thanks for letting us know you'd be interested to see additional support for the security-by-number system employed by Verified by Visa and others. There isn't a simple solution, but it is something we have looked into improving now and again.