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"Unlock 1Password to save this Login" - never stops asking

edited September 2012 in Mac
I've seen this topic discussed elsewhere - essentially, when I enter a user/pass into a web login form, the "Unlock 1Password to save this login" ALWAYS appears, even when there is the exact user/pass already in the 1P database!

Elsewhere, the solution that's always given is to disable "Auto-fill" and "Save passwords" in the browsers (usually Safari is the one that's mentioned).

However, I've disabled both "Auto-Fill" and "Save Passwords" in all of the browsers I use - Chrome, Firefox, Safari - but I keep getting the same "Unlock 1Password to Save this Login" prompt - [u]in all 3 browsers[/u] - even though there's already a saved and current user/password inside 1Password ... and if I go ahead and unlock 1Password and save, it just saves the exact same thing into a new entry. So I can end up with literally 8-9 of the exact same entry in the database ... !?!

The other thing that I've noticed is that when the password I enter isn't the same as the password in the 1P database, it never asks if I want to update the password - it just saves a brand new entry.

I'm attaching the troubleshooting file ... note that 1Password and the 1P extensions work fine in all other aspects in all 3 browsers despite the "configuration issues" mentioned in the report - but the "Unlock 1P to save this login" prompt over and over agan is driving me bananas!! please help ... thanks!


EDIT: I've deleted the previously-attached troubleshooting file since it looked like there might be some sensitive info in there ... but here's the first part of it:

[b][Diagnostics Report report removed by admin][/b]


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, catouija! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. It took us a while to "connect the dots" between this thread and the email you sent us since you used a completely different name and email address. We normally reply to all support inquiries within 24 hours or less, so we do ask for your patience while waiting for a reply in one support channel rather than sending a duplicate via another channel. That said, I'm happy to be able to reply to you now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    1Password needs to be unlocked in order to check to see if a login you are attempting matches an existing one. The data is stored encrypted so there is no way to check without first authenticating.

    Additionally, [b]1Password can only check for an existing Login item if 1Password fills it. [/b]If you manually type in your credentials, another app fills them in, or your browser's built-in password manager fills them in then 1Password cannot check.

    For the best experience, we recommend:[list]

    [*]disabling your browser's password manager as described in [url=""]the section of the User Guide about this exact issue[/url]

    [*]always using 1Password to fill your Logins. You can't get much simpler than pressing Command-\ on your keyboard. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [*]adjusting your auto-lock settings so that 1Password is unlocked while you are working on your computer and only locks when you will be away from it (i.e. lock when sleeping and close the lid on a laptop when you walk away).


    We are also looking to bring an "update" function to the extension, but right now such a function does not exist. You must either save a brand new Login or completely replace the existing one by clicking the action ("gear") button in the autosave bar:


    The Diagnostics Report are intended for our own internal use, so the data may be slightly misleading if you don't know what you are looking for. There are sometimes red herrings in the reports, so I wouldn't put too much stock into what it says. If you're not having any problems related to the configuration issues listed in the report, then definitely don't worry about it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I hope that helps. Please let me know. I'd be happy to provide further assistance if necessary.

  • Hi Khad,

    Thanks for the detailed response! Sorry about the duplicate submission ... I was honestly not expecting a response at all, or at least not for a while (which is often the case with many software companies' support staff) so I'm grateful for the quick reply. : )

    That makes sense about 1P not being able to know what the saved password is until it's unlocked ... hadn't even thought about that. I think the issue was that for a few websites that I need to visit to use dozens of times a day at work (on many different computers, where 1P isn't installed), I deliberately chose a very simple password which I could easily and quickly type so as to be more efficient (OK I know this is a no-no ... sigh) - and when I'm on my home computer it's frankly quicker for me to enter my user/pass manually for these sites than to type Command-\ and then my rather long 1P master password (though I realize I would only need to enter that one time).

    But, I see now that it would really make more sense to let 1P handle that for me, so I will try that from now on : )

    Probably my only hesitation is that I prefer not to leave 1P unlocked even when I'm probably going to be at the computer ... maybe just overly paranoid that in the few minutes that I happen to step away for whatever, someone will somehow access it while it's unlocked ... but in reality this is probably unlikely ...

    One question though: what do you mean by the Action/gear button in the autosave bar? This is what mine looks like:


    That's in Chrome ... is it something that's only available in the Safari extension?

    Thanks again!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It's my pleasure to help! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    [quote]maybe just overly paranoid that in the few minutes that I happen to step away for whatever, someone will somehow access it while it's unlocked ... but in reality this is probably unlikely ... [/quote]

    It really depends on your particular use case since everyone will have different needs. In my case, I am using my Mac for about 8 hours or so at a time (since this is my job), so having 1Password unlocked while I am working all day and at my computer makes sense for me. You can play with the auto-lock settings to find something that is appropriate for your particular usage and environment (i.e. light usage, shady roommates, etc.).

    At this time the action menu (represented by a "gear" just like in Finder and Mail) is not available in the Chrome extension. I'm sorry for any confusion there. This is something we are hoping to improve in the future.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
