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Question Remote wipe

lotusone Junior Member
edited December 1969 in iOS
Will remote wipe be available now that the iPhone allows multi-tasking?


For now, the answer to this question is: “yes and no.”


Some of our customers have asked if 1Password touch contains a remote wipe feature, which is sometimes called a “remote kill switch.” This feature is popular in the business world because it allows owners or IT administrators to erase a device if it is lost or stolen, even if it is halfway across the city or country.

Unfortunately, 1Password touch does not have such a feature, largely because Apple does not allow third-party developers like us to run background processes. We have no way to enable 1Password touch to “listen” for a command to remotely wipe its database and protect it from loss or theft.


  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='lotusone']Will remote wipe be available now that the iPhone allows multi-tasking?[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for asking, Sean. Right now, we don't have any concrete plans to implement such a feature. Using MobileMe's Remote Wipe feature is still the best way to do this.