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The firefox plugin reports problem

First time user, trying it out on my newly installed Windows machine, to see if it cuts the mustard instead of my AES-256 encrypted FTP solution from before.

I install, it installs properly, but it seems that the Firefox extension doesn't like me, as it says that it can't communicate with the server, or something of the like. (but unlocks)

Now, when trying to unlock it again, it seems I can't unlock it anymore. Hmm...

Windows 8 RTM being used, perhaps that plays a role in this.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, haf! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    The first thing I would recommend is going through all the troubleshooting steps in the User Guide:

    Please try all the steps in order as they will resolve about 99% of all issues. Pay special attention if you are behind a proxy server or using a VPN. Step seven links to a separate page which explains how to configure some antivirus/malware solutions to stop blocking 1Password's secure connection between app and extension:

    If you're still having trouble, could you please send us your Diagnostics Report? Select [b]Help > Diagnostics Report > Export to File[/b] from the menu bar in 1Password. Then attach the report to an email to us:

    support at agilebits dot com

    Once we see your report we should be able to help more. Thanks in advance!