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[Chrome] Blank/empty entries in Card/Identities

Really loving the program so far.

I've noticed what seems to be a bug of some sort in the Chrome extension.

While exploring the various options in the Windows application, I started new entries for Wallet items (credit cards) and Identities, but did not complete the entries nor save them in the Windows app.

In the Chrome extension, however, there are multiple blank entries for both Credit Cards and Identities.

Is there a way to remove these errant entries?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, parsleybravo! I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    1. Do you see a red badge on the 1Password button in Chrome's toolbar?

    2. If you save a new Login item in the main 1Password application does it show up in the extension?

    3. If you save a new Login item in the extension does it show up in the main 1Password application?

    Please let me know the answers to the above questions and try simply removing and reinstalling the Chrome extension and see if that helps.