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1Password for Windows Not Auto-filling Uname/Pwd in Chrome..?

I've been using 1Password for a really long time in OSX and iOS. Recently I've started using a windows machine at work so I upgraded my account to a cross platform family account. Installation was a breeze and 1Password picked up my dropbox file immediately. I've installed the chrome extension and have been having issues since.

When I try to autofill my usernames and passwords for web sites with the chrome extension my first problem is that 1Password doesn't recognize the site that I'm currently at. I can easily use the search tool to find the required login, however my second and most critical problem is that when I select the login of interest via the plugin it opens the linked website as a new tab and doesn't fill in any of my login details...

Current Solution:

I then copy and paste my uname and pwd from the plugin to the website of interest and upon logging in 1Password asks if I'd like to save the login even though I've been using 1Password to successfully login for successfully on OSX.

There seems to be an issue with all of the logins that I've saved prior to windows; when I created my profile for this forum and saved the login it correctly shows up in my 1Password extension when I'm at this site.

I'm not keen on duplicating all of my logins from the past years of use.., please help.

1Password for Windows version

[color=#303942]Google Chrome Version 22.0.1229.79 m[/color]

[color=#303942]Windows 7 Professional[/color]




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Marc!

    It sounds like it may be possible that the URLs stored in your Login items are not complete, valid URLs. Could you give me an example of the location stored in a couple of the Login items you're having trouble with?

    A simple way to test the theory is exactly what you have done: save a Login via the browser extension. So it sounds like invalid URLs.

    Saving Logins via the browser extension is always the recommended method as it allows 1Password to "learn" everything it needs to know about the site including the full, valid URL for the Login page.

    That said, there may be another issue going on, so it may help to simply remove the extension from Chrome and then reinstall it via 1Password's preferences.

    Let mek know if reinstalling helps and a couple of those URLs stored in the Login items. We'll get to the bottom of this. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />