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Couple of questions?

edited 2012 30 in iOS
Just looking around for a new password app for sites, bank account, serial numbers, utility accounts and such like. It's interesting that some review sites say that when apps get popular they get more features. I had been using SPB Wallet for years and the most recent development with that is - abandonware. Mac Desktop was pulled from the app store long ago and now the iphone app too. For me, despite having both (and a lot invested in the product over the years with Win versions too), it's a case of how long before it breaks with IOS / OSX development. So, it's time to look for a replacement, one with less chance of being abandoned in a few years time I hope. Re-entering all the data will be a big enough pain!! Desktop (not Cloud) sync will be a vital ingredient. So I've been looking at 1Password and Passwords Plus and this app is currently ahead.

Couple of queries though. Is v4 imminent? If so I'll hold off for that rather than buy now and have to pay again in a few weeks/months time. I did a trawl around the FAQ and there is mention of a free upgrade to v4 of the desktop app if I buy 3.9 at the MAS. Looking on the actual entry of the MAS however there is no reference to this. Also, at the time 1P 4 is released will the 1P Pro package also upgrade to v4 and if I buy that now via iTunes will that upgrade come free. Happy to spend money, don't like to waste it and will hold off if there is a query over upgrade costs.

Further, is 1Password OK for handling all the various types of info that people might want to store in such an app, rather than using several? I'm thinking of all the things listed above and also such things as software serial numbers, passport details, visa details, combinations for padlocks, all manner of things requiring a number and/or password to be stored. I don't really want something that handles website log-on passwords well but makes a hard work botch job of other categories of info.

In some ways I'll be sorry to dump SPB Wallet, but I'd rather do it before it breaks. I will miss the graphic representation of things like your cards, driving licence and such like but I'd rather forgo them for something that's going to be supported for the forseeable future.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, TechAddict! Thanks for your interest in 1Password. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    All copies of 1Password purchased on the Mac App Store do indeed come with a free upgrade to version 4 when it becomes available, so you don't have to worry about paying for 1Password twice. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

    We haven't decided anything with regard to 1Password 4 for iOS, though, so I can't say just yet whether version 4 will be a free upgrade for existing 1Password for iOS users or not.

    [quote]Further, is 1Password OK for handling all the various types of info that people might want to store in such an app, rather than using several?[/quote]

    You can use the trial version of 1Password for Mac to see if it meets your needs. It is usually much easier to try it for yourself than trying to run through all of the possible types of data that one could possibly want to enter. Offhand, I can't think of any reason the data you listed wouldn't fit nicely in 1Password. That way you can even test 1Password's import capabilities and use your [i]real data[/i] instead of trying to add "enough" data to do a fair test.

    [quote]I will miss the graphic representation of things like your cards…[/quote]

    You can attach any kind of file (including images of your actual credit cards) to any item in 1Password.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
  • OK. Thanks for the prompt reply. Would I be correct in assuming 1P for iphone v4 is imminent?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [url=""]Yep[/url]. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • TechAddict
    edited 2012 03
    OK. Thanks. I tried the demo from your site. I'm not sure it will do what I need at the moment. Mostly because the number of categories catered for under Vaults is not sufficient and I think is not user configurable. For instance, if I grouped all my websites under the one heading I'd have way too many. So, on my current ap, for websites alone, I have four separate categories for, passwords for internet, Passwords: Forums and then others for 'Shopping', 'Services' and 'Sites'. It breaks it all up and makes it easier to scan through and easy to manage. Equally I have groups for Software Mac, Software Windows and such like. Plus specific interest categories like Photography, Travel, Vehicles, Mobile Phones etc etc.

    Accept I could use Folders to group these things together but that makes another level of management to take care of, rather than just creating a card where I want in an appropriately named Vault with an indicative icon. The folders also seemingly cannot be grouped under the Vault headings but I suspect can be seeded under the Folder structure to give you



    Services etc

    Maybe I'll wait to see if v4 offers this level of configuration but for the price, I'd need the ap to do exactly what I need, not just in a round about, and less 'graceful' way. The folders approach under a separate section to vaults seems more clunky. Maybe I need to give it some more thought, this way of working may be better, but at the moment it seems more clunky and less intuitive.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2012 03
    Thanks for the feedback, TechAddict! You can hide the Vaults section and *just* use Folders if you prefer. Then there is only one level of hierarchy. There are also tags which I mainly use.

    I guess I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish if Folders won't work for you. Perhaps if you can explain what your goal is a bit more I could provide some more helpful tips.

    I should say, though, that I am getting a tiny bit confused. You posted this in the iOS forum but I am pretty sure you are talking about 1Password for Mac since you said you downloaded the trial version. I just want to be sure. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

  • TechAddict
    edited 2012 04

    Yeah, bit confusing I suppose <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I'll be looking mainly for the IOS version but will need the Mac version to sync to. Clearly only the Mac version has a trial. I originally posted in the IOS section as the iPhone version was what I was after but as the trial was referred to it's sort of gone of track a little, but it will be relevant to both, for me at least.

    Essentially I actually like the Vaults aspect with icons which represent different classifications of entry. For me though I'd just rather have more of them or the ability to nest under them such that under Software you could have

    Software Mac

    Software Windows

    Under the Logins I would have




    Services etc

    Either being able to achieve this by nesting under the specific Vault category would be OK or even the ability to dreate or duplicate another Vault category, with an appropriate icon.

    That way, everything is under one single hierarchy. I could achieve it my using folders or tags I suppose but the lack of icons to visually identify the data type is off-putting. I coould post a screen shot from my current ap home screen but can't figure how to (and can't be bothered with uploads to another site and then url pasting - sorry). At the moment my existing ap does the job but, is no longer available in the ap store and the desktop version was pulled a long time ago. Obviously I'm a bit careful now about investing in 'abandonware'.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the additional details! I can assure you that 1Password is not abandonware. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I think the model that 1Password follows may best be compared to iTunes in the way that there are certain categories in the vault just like there are certain categories in iTunes' library: Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, etc.

    The type of the data determines the category in the vault just like the type of the data in iTunes determines the category in the library.

    Then you can organize the data using playlists (folders in 1Password) or Smart Playlists (Smart Folders in 1Password). I feel like you may be looking for something extremely specific or identical to the app your were using before, though, so it may be difficult to obtain that without just using the app you've already been using.

    I hope that helps explain the model of 1Password a bit more clearly. I hope that perhaps you will come to appreciate the way 1Password works in time. I'll pass your feedback along to the developers, but it is a pretty fundamental change to the way the data is stored and presented to the user.

    Let me know if you have any specific feature requests. Maybe there is something that would help you that still works within the existing data structure of 1Password....? Beyond that, I can't promise that the fundamental model of 1Password will change that drastically, but we never say "never." <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • TechAddict
    edited 2012 04
    Hi. Thanks. Yah I get the impression 1PW has some longevity in it. My current ap is abandonware though and its only a question of time I think before an IOS or OSX update renders it totally unusable. Having bought WinMo desktop and phone versions and then iPhone and Mac desktop versions I had spent quite a lot on it only to find the plug is now pulled.

    What I may do is try the iPhone version when v4 is released to see how I get on. There's a question of whether I actually NEED the new ap to work the same as the old one did or whether I'm just used to it. Either way, I'm going to need a replacement soon.

    Final question, are the folder icons configurable such that you could put a credit card symbol, email symbol or software symbol etc as a folder icon to make them more readily distinguishable?

    Thanks for the all the responses, it certainly rules out any concerns over support (not that I had any) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The folder icons are not configurable at this time, but I will pass your vote for this along to the team. Right now they are only "regular" folders (blue) and Smart Folders (purple with a gear).

    If you need anything else, you know where to find me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />