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Automatically Submit Logins Keeps Enabling Itself - Reproduced Bug


I've seen many posts over the last year with users complaining about this feature enabling itself periodically. Many times, it has been suggested that the user is toggling the feature by clicking the fill login header, but this is an actual bug and I have reproduced it on many machines.

If you have automatic submit disabled, and you log into a site and select never remember logins for this site, the feature enables itself again.

This happens each and every time across all versions of Firefox.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, wdconnors! Thanks so much for reporting this with the exact steps to reproduce. That is very helpful. So far no one has been able to reproduce it, and this has been very elusive. What's strange is that this only happens in Firefox and Safari for Windows. It does not happen (with the exact same extension) in OS X.

    Now that we have some reproducible steps it will hopefully be easier to figure out how to resolve this.

    Thanks again!