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new user - problems using Generator to change existing p/words

Hello, As in the title. I'm using Firefox 15 (no beta) and Win 7 64 bit.

I'm following the instructions which appear on the help for the browser add-on which - confusingly - are headed "1Password for Mac 3". I can generate a strong password and fill in the "change password" fields but nothing after that.

The instructions say to go to "Password Generator" and then to "View Password History" where my recently generated p/word "will be at the top of the list". But it isn't. In fact there are no generated passwords in the history at all - its blank.

No doubt I'm doing something very stupid so any help will be gratefuly received.

But since I'm trying to use 1Password to make my existing passwords stronger I've got to get this right or there'll be no point in me continuingthe trial.

Thank you.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, sirshambling!

    Only passwords generated for the domain you are currently viewing will be listed in the "View password history" section. Also, you need to be sure to click the "Fill" button to fill a generated password or it will not be saved and available in that list.

    Can you confirm for me that you are following the steps here?

    Clicking the "Fill" button in step 3 should definitely save a Generated Password item in 1Password.

    If it's not showing up in the extension, [b]could you tell me if it shows up in the main 1Password application[/b]? You may need to enable their display in the sidebar via [b]View > Generated Passwords[/b] in the menu bar. The Generated Passwords section in the sidebar of the main 1Password application should list all your Generated Password items, not just ones for the domain you are viewing like the extension does.
  • Hello Khad,

    Thank you for taking the time/trouble to reply to me. I've spent quite a lot of time this morning experimenting with the password to this forum. It seems to be a question of when I add the login details to 1password that holds the key to the probelm I've been having.

    If I add the login when I'm first prompted to do so - ie when I first try ot login to a site where I have an exisitng password the whole process outlined in the link you kindly supplied works fine. I was able to generate a pasword, fill it, find the Generated Password and change the password in the local copy. Checked by doing it twice on this forum's login.

    However if I add the login the secnd time I'm prompted to do so - ie when I'm at the "change login" screen, and have generated and filled the new passowrd in and click "submit" I get a new prompt to add the ligin then. And if I clcik "save" then the process doesn't work at all. I get no "password history" i nthe local copy and I get no Generated Password in the main 1Password application. Checked twice on a login for a site I don't use any more.

    So the moral for me is to add the login details when I'm first prompted to do so.

    I've also tried to put this into practice on sites where I have mutliple logins - Ebay (.co.u, .com, .de, .fr etc) and Amazon (same countries etc) - and failed miserably. Ebay seems to have one password for whicheversite I login to and having generated a password for the first site I then fnd it impossible to change the other sites passwords as 1Password has "forgotten" the generated password by the time I browse to the next Ebay variant. I guess the way round is to manually enter the generated password foreach of the varaint sites?

    Thanks again for your help. John.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Yeah, please follow the steps in the User Guide.

    1Password "records" a Login based on the presumption that one will be "playing it back" at the same page where it was recorded (saved). If you save a Login on a password change page, the fields are different there and may not even include a username field. 1Password can only save fields that are present on the page, so it is actually [i]impossible[/i] to save a complete Login item from most password change pages.

    In short: save a Login on the exact page where you will be filling it, usually the site's main login page. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.

  • Thanks Khad most helpful.

    As I progress I'm getting to know my way around the software now.

    So I've taken the plunge and purchased it.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Awesome! Welcome to the family. You know where to find me if you need me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
