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Generated passwords not appearing

Generated passwords are not appearing in my browser extension.

Is this normal behavior?

How can I migrate these items (or change them) to become login items?




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Jim!

    Generated Passwords will only show up under "View password history" in the browser extension for [i][b]the domain you are currently viewing[/b][/i]. A complete list of Generated Password items is available in the main 1Password application ([b]Preferences > General > Display in Sidebar > Generated Passwords[/b]).

    Generated Password items are only intended as a safety net, though, so we recommend creating Login items for each site so that you can use 1Password to its full potential.

    If you're trying to beef up your security by changing your passwords for sites you already have Login items saved for, please follow the steps in the User Guide to generate a password and change the Login item in 1Password to reflect the new [b][i]generated[/i][/b] password.

    I have a hunch that there are couple points of confusion here, so I've not written as extensively as I could. Please let me know exactly what steps you have already taken and what you are trying to accomplish and I can provide more specific assistance.
