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Moving from 1Password 3.8.2 (build 31499) to Version 2.12.1 (build 7671)


I have 3.8.2 on my laptop and, when I bought a new desktop computer, I installed 1Password on the new computer and transferred the data by doing a "restore from backup." Now, I find that 1Password is un-usable on my desktop computer. The master password does not work via the browser extension on Safari 6.0.1, so I can not get into it while browsing. When I access 1Password directly through the application on my computer, although the master password works and I can get inside it, the interface is broken. For example, there is no link to add a new login. The + button only adds folders. The search function is very faulty and inconsistent; logins that I know exist, even those created moments before, do not appear upon search.

It rapidly became apparent how much I depend on 1Password thru my day. I've shown my support by paying for the software and supporting Agile. But now, I have been wasting hours trying to work around a broken app. Although it was my instinct to throw both computers out the door at that point, I tried to trouble shoot the problem. I discovered that I'm running 2 entirely different versions of the software (i knew I'd already paid for this app!! Now I see I bought it 2x.) but I'm trying to "restore" (set up) one with a backup from the other. That may be my problem. Any ideas/suggestions?

Here's a little more background info:

- I tried "updating" both versions, and both say they are running the latest update (which is weird since they are so different).

- On my iMac 27 desktop, I am running Mt.Lion OS X with brand 1Password 2.12.1 (build 7671).

- On my MacBook Pro laptop, I have Mt.Lion OS X, but for some reason I seem to have 1Password 3.8.2 (build 31499) on it.

- Also, I just read another thread on the forum where someone mentions that there are sync-able versions of 1Password and those that are not. The laptop version doesn't have "sync" option in top nav, the desktop version does.

Help please!



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Pamela! Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    Before we go too far, can you confirm a couple thing for me? Is all your data present and accounted for in 1Password on your MacBook Pro? If we were to simply remove 1Password and its data from your iMac and transfer everything over from your MacBook Pro would you be losing anything? Or would an exact copy of the data from your MacBook Pro be ideal for you to have on your iMac?

    Once we get things set up, the data will be in sync between both machines (and will even sync with your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone if you wish).

    Please let me know about the 1Password data on your MacBook Pro, and we'll get this sorted out pretty quickly.

    [i]P.S. I just checked in our records and it appears you have not paid for 1Password more than once. It appears your copy of 1Password 2 was a freebie, so you only paid for the upgrade to 1Password 3. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/i]