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Filing bug reports

MikeT Agile Samurai
In order to help us understand the nature of the bug, please use the following template when you write up the bug report here:[list]

[*][b]Is this bug reproducible?[/b]

[*][b]Which devices did this bug appear on and is it reproducible on any devices?[/b]

[*][b]A quick summary of the bug:[/b]

[*][b]Detailed Step-by-step instruction on how to reproduce it:[/b]


In addition, please use the topic tags when creating a new topic to categorize the bug: If this only shows up on iPad, add "iPad" to the topic tags. If it shows up on both devices, don't add anything. Be sure to check "use first tag as prefix", so it can be tagged next to the forum topic.

Here's a screenshot of an example bug report:
