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Chrome integration problems

Using newest release of Chrome, fully updated Windows7 (new install), and just downloaded trial of 1Password -- but I don't have a wrench on my Chrome screen and I can't get 1Password to work at all.

The screen I get when I click on the desktop shortcut simply asks if I want to open existing data or start new data or restore data from backup. If I click on start new data, there is no "preferences" tab -- just an empty directory and a list of locations on my computer. There is nothing that looks likes the screens I see on this website in the tutorial or anywhere else. Am I totally stupid, or ?? If I click on the help question mark, it takes me to help for Windows, not for 1Password. I've downloaded the trial software twice with the same result.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, lynnhughes! I'm sorry that you are having some trouble.

    Let's take things one step at a time since installing the Chrome extension needs to be done [i]after[/i] you have set up the main 1Password application.

    At the Welcome Screen, click the "Create new 1Password data" button to get started and follow the onscreen prompts.


    This is described in the Getting Started section of the User Guide:

    [i]If you are already past that part[/i] and viewing your data (or lack thereof since you are just starting out), you can then click the Preferences button in the toolbar:


    From there, you can click the button to install the Chrome extension on the Browsers tab.


    If you are stuck at any part, please tell me specifically which step you are stuck on, what action you are taking, and what you are [not] seeing happen. With some additional information from you we can then provide you with specific assistance.

  • Thanks -- I just realized my own stupidity with not understanding that I had to create a directory, er, folder before passwords could get stored. Thanks for the patient reply.
  • Another update -- it all went as described except for the fact that no wrench is visible on my browser toolbar. However, going to extensions through the tools option on the menu button (three horizontal lines) and then dragging the downloaded extension onto that window took care of it. I still have no wrench, but I do have a key. Thanks again.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    My apologies for any confusion. Google [i]changed[/i] the wrench icon to the "three lines" icon for the menu in Chrome. I've submitted some updated screenshots for the download page so as to avoid any further confusion in the future. Thanks for mentioning this. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
