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A deal for existing Mac license holders?

Schwern Junior Member

I've owned and loved 1Password on the Mac for a long time now. I also have an Android phone with 1Password Reader (love it).

But I have a Windows box for gaming and software testing. It doesn't get quite the use as my Mac, but I still need to get at my passwords. I've already purchased 1Password 2 for the Mac and the v3 upgrade. Paying another $50 so I can use it on Windows is a bit much, so I've just been using an expired trial.

You have a Mac/Windows bundle deal, but it seems they have to be purchased at the same time. Would you consider extending a similar deal to existing owners of a Mac license? I want to give you money for your wonderful product and ensure it continues to be developed on all platforms I use... just not quite that much money.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for your longtime support, Schwern! We really appreciate it. If you enter your existing Mac license key on the upgrade page you can purchase a Single User Windows license at a discounted price (presuming you are the only user, otherwise, you can purchase a Family License):

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!