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Licenses, Platforms, Apps, and Beta

I'm ready to pull the trigger and purchase 1Password but I'm unclear on a few things.

I'll be putting this on both my work Win PC and my home Win PC, I understand this to fit in the relm of 1 license.

I would also like to have this application on my iPhone (iOS) and an iPad

Is there a bundled price or do I purchase 1 license for the two Win PCs and download (and pay) for the iPad/iPhone app?

Lastly, do I purch the Win Beta copy or the Win tested/released copy


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, hopley! Thanks for your interest in 1Password.

    You are correct that a 1Password for Windows Single User license allows you to use 1Password for Windows on as many Windows machines as you can possibly afford. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Similarly, 1Password Pro is our universal iOS app for all your iOS devices:

    Apple does not allow discounts or bundles in the App Store, but if you send us a copy of your iTunes App Store receipt from your 1Password Pro purchase we would be more than happy to give you a discount on a Windows license.

    There is no separate license for stable/beta. A Windows license is a Windows license. You can optionally enable beta updates in 1Password for Windows' preferences if you wish, but unless you are actually beta testing it is probably best to stick with the stable updates. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
  • khad,

    I've inserted below my 1Password Pro purchase per your request. I did not yet activiate my iPad/iPhone app. I wanted to first activate it on my Win platform since it will be easier for me to move my password files from my desktop. Then I'll sync with my iPad/iPhone.

    So I'm ready to purchase the Win license. I appreciate you offering me a discount on the Windows license. Speaking of syncing, I heard some concerns with dropbox and have been offered Egnyte as an alternative. I've Goggled all the hacking blog posts of dropbox and seems like the 2012 case was user error, while the 2011 case was code error. I'm leaning towards Dropbox but wanted to know, if I get reservations and want to use Egnyte, is it compatible? ~ hopley
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It seems your file was not attached. It is for the best as we ask that you not post receipts in the forums. My apologies for not providing our email address in my post above. Please do not post your App Store receipt in the forums. but rather email it to us:

    support@ agilebits .com

    We use and recommend Dropbox syncing which is incredibly secure. Please review our "Security of storing 1Password data in the cloud" document for more details:

    Dropbox is the only cloud sync solution supported at this time. More details are available in our "Alternatives to Dropbox cloud syncing" document:

    Looking forward to receiving your receipt in our email inbox!

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