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Quesitons regarding difference between Mac App Store and Website versions

[size=4][font="Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"][color="#000000"]Hello, I had a few questions about the faq provided.[/color][/font][/size][list]

[*][color=#ff0000][i]Only one (1) 1Password data file allowed. You cannot switch between data files dynamically, either through 1Password preferences or by using the Finder.[/i][/color]


Could you please clarify what you mean by this? Does this also mean not being able to cut and paste a data file? What flexibility is being lost here?


[*][i][color=#ff0000]You only have two choices of location for the data file: within the installed sandbox of the application or in Dropbox (see below).[/color][/i]


Is there a particular disadvantage to not being able to locate the data file elsewhere (even other cloud services like skydrive, etc?) Does this also mean I won't be able to locate put my data file within a truecrypt folder that's synced with Dropbox?

Going forward barring any other restrictions put up by Apple, would you continue to develop a website version along with a Mac App version? Again assuming no other new restrictions, do you think the delta in differences will increase?



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]Could you please clarify what you mean by this? Does this also mean not being able to cut and paste a data file? What flexibility is being lost here?[/quote]

    No flexibility is lost. This has always been the case. Only one data file is supported per Dropbox account, and switching "on the fly" has never been supported. I'm not sure what you mean by "cut and paste a data file".

    [quote]Is there a particular disadvantage to not being able to locate the data file elsewhere (even other cloud services like skydrive, etc?) Does this also mean I won't be able to locate put my data file within a truecrypt folder that's synced with Dropbox?[/quote]

    There isn't really a disadvantage as Dropbox is the only supported sync solution and storing a 1Password data file on an external volume, encrypted disk image, or network share has never been supported.

    For more on cloud syncing alternatives, please see our support article here:

    [quote]Going forward barring any other restrictions put up by Apple, would you continue to develop a website version along with a Mac App version? Again assuming no other new restrictions, do you think the delta in differences will increase?[/quote]

    We don't normally discuss future plans, but the current differences between 3.8 and 3.9 are incredibly small. Aside from sandboxing, there are not really any substantial differences.
  • Thanks. An example of hosting 1password in a truecrypt container to enhance security.

    I was trying to find out if this would no longer be possible due to the new restrictions.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    The user who posted in that thread was having serious problems because of that setup even in 3.8. It was and still is not a supported configuration. You will almost certainly have trouble no matter what version of 1Password you are using if you try to do that. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    You can read my post there for more details.