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Retain old PIF Exports?

Periodically I "export all" and get a PIF which I understand would allow me to recovery my 1PW data/logins should disaster strike. Two Questions: #1 Am I correct that the PIF data will allow recovery? #2 Is there any need to keep more than the last two or three PIF exports? Thank you and have a nice day.


Atlanta, GA



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hi Gordon,

    Good questions.

    A 1Password Interchange File (1PIF) will allow you to import all your 1Password data into a new data file if you need to. [i][b]However[/b][/i], as clearly stated when you create the 1PIF exports the 1PIF data is [i][b]NOT ENCRYPTED[/b][/i]. This is not recommended for any reason since it is insecure.

    1Password actually creates a backup of your data file — which is encrypted — every day. Automatically. There is no need to do anything to have secure, daily backups. You can view them at any time by selecting [b]File > Restore…[/b] from the menu bar.

    If you are backing up your Home folder (or your entire hard drive) as part of good computing hygiene. These 1Password backup files will be included in your backup strategy automatically.

    Some of us on the team use Time Machine, SuperDuper!, Carbon Copy Cloner, and CrashPlan just to name a few different backup options.

    Again, please [b]do not[/b] keep 1PIF data lying around as it is [i][b]not encrypted[/b][/i]. It is only meant to exchange data between one data file and another and then securely wiped.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
  • Which leads me to another question - where is this encrypted data file stored?

    Gordon; Atlanta, USA
  • OK I did a search and found this link

    Well there is no 1Pasword file in my ~Library/Application support.

    When I click on the Backup menu item, it shows a path, but not one I can follow/find in Finder. Are these folders and containers hidden?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store) is sandboxed, therefore it keeps all of its data in the sandbox container. The default location of your data file is:


    If you are are syncing via Dropbox as we recommend your data file will be located in your Dropbox folder:


    The backups are located in the container as well:

    ~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups/