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Can two users share the same account?

I purchased a family account and have been using it on my own for about 6 months. I am on mac products)

My husband just loaded up his work computer using our account (he is a PC/ IE user) and we are having trouble with both of us logging into similar websites (for example we each have a LinkedIn account).

His PC account is very different from mine so I'm having trouble helping him.....

We would really like to be on the same account because we share so many passwords.....but of course for some sites we each have a separate account.




  • You need to save the login info into two different entries in 1Password. For example, let's say you already have your login info for LinkedIn saved into 1Password. Edit the 1Password datafile so that the LinkedIn entry says something like "LinkedIn-Michelle." Then, log out of LinkedIn. Have your husband log in to LinkedIn. 1Password will offer to save his login info. When he goes to save, he should change the title to "LinkedIn-Bob."
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Michelle and QSilver!

    If you are syncing via the same Dropbox account, you can both just use the same data file (and thus master password) if that is what you're after. If you have different Dropbox accounts, you can put the 1Password.agilekeychain data in a subfolder and share that subfolder ([i]not[/i] 1Password.agilekeychain itself) between the two accounts for a similar effect.

    If you want to keep separate data with separate master passwords you will need to each save Logins for the sites you share in your respective accounts.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!